Chapter X: Our ride has Arrived

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“Search the area. See if you can pick up any remaining weapons,” I said as I picked up a large assault rifle that had extra ammo. “Like so.” They went off and explored. By the time they returned all I’d found were a couple of pistols and… get this - a huge battleax. Viking style; it was epic. But I figured it would be too much unnecessary weight with everything else, so I gave it to Blake. He hadn’t found anything in his own search. His face lit up a like a Christmas tree. It reminded me of the first time I fired my first gun. Ah, the good ole days, back when I was four; good times. 

“Okay, we’ll camp here tonight. Find a spot and make yourself comfortable. If the restroom is needed, guys, step outside, and girls, the restroom is right through that door.” I was pointing to the door on the far side of the room, where you could faintly see ‘Restroom’ etched into the door. “Any questions?”

“What about the rest of the enemy team? We are in a very bad tactical position. I don’t think we should all be in the same place,” Bethany said. 

“I appreciate your concern for tactics and the safety of this group.  But that is my job. And we have nothing to worry about,” I answered.

“How do you figure?”

“WAR 101. If you cut the head off of a snake, what happens?” I quizzed.

“Three more grow back,” replied Bethany. That answer set me up short.

“Err… yes. Very good. That was exactly my point,” I said slowly.

“No, it’s not. You totally screwed up that expression,” Selina chimed in. For once it was my turn to blush. Leave it to Selina to call my bluff. She is the only one who can see right through me, as if I were translucent. But that only happens every once in a while. At least, that’s what I like to think.

“My point is, they’re confused and disoriented without their leader, and they’re going to have to reorganize before they mount any attack. And if they do, it will be in small groups, three maximum. And all of you have proved you can take on five by yourselves.”

“But what if they all attack all of us at once,” Bethany asked? 

“If they do then I have two freshly sharpened Katanas, a trigger finger, and a real short temper,” I replied, praying Bethany would take a hint. Thankfully she quit her questioning. 

“You’re all gonna want to turn in early. We’ve got a big schedule for tomorrow. You know: escaping, blowing up buildings, etc. The usual. I’ll be right back,” I said, and stepped outside.

 An hour later everyone was sawing logs, save for two individuals, Selina and myself. I was still outside practicing thrusts, jabs, slashes, and just about everything else I knew about swordplay. The door opened and Selina walked outside.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“What makes you think something’s wrong?” I asked. I was working up a sweat pretty quickly.

“Oh, don’t even try that Jedi mind trick on me. There are only two possible reasons why you’re still out here. Either you’ve got some digestive issues or something’s on your mind. Not to mention, it’s written all over your face. So, out with it! What’s up?”

She makes a very good point. “It’s just that tomorrow I am going to be leading all of you into a thousand times the danger of the U.D.C. I am going to attempt to do something that has never been accomplished, nor even thought of for six decades. What I’m trying to do is overthrow the most powerful dictator in the entire world. And with only the help of nine other ragtag rookies to get the job done. No offense.”

Bullets, Bomb-blasts, and Battlefields: Facing the U.D.C.Where stories live. Discover now