My New Family

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Finally it was dismissal, and I ran home hoping to get some peace and quiet. But all my dreams were shattered when I saw that black F-150 in the driveway. It belongs to my mother's boyfriend, Sam. They've been dating for about two years now. To say I hated him would be harsh, it's more like I feared him. He was over six feet tall and 250 pounds of pure muscle. He would constantly lift me up and swing me around. But the worse part was that once he found out that I sometimes wet the bed, he kept suggesting to my mother, how I needed to wear diapers for it. "You don't want the house to smell like stale pee", he would say. I don't wet often, but it does happen every once in a while. Thank God, my mother didn't fully listen to him as I haven't woken up with a huge accident in over eight months, but I still have a rubber sheet on my bed because of Sam's nagging.

I walked inside to find out that my mother and Sam got married today. As it was a second marriage to both of them, they didn't want a party. So they just went to the courthouse and made it official. I was then informed that Sam was moving in with his two daughters.

It was at the moment that I heard "honey, I'm home", I knew my life would be trouble. I proceeded to the front to greet Sam and my face dropped as I saw his daughters. There was a girl about twelve, taller than me, and Yvette.

"Hey, aren't you the freshman, that I helped unhook his tighty-whities", asked Yvette. "He's a freshman", asked the other girl, "he looks smaller than a 4th grader". "Be nice, Sarah", said Yvette, "a boy can't choose his size". "Besides the tighty-whities were cute, just wait until you see them".

I then started helping the girls bring in their boxes. Unfortunately, they were a bit heavy, so Sarah and Yvette did the schlepping, Sam had me do the unpacking instead. As I finished, Yvette and Sarah asked to see my room.

We entered my room and Yvette commented how much smaller it seemed than theirs. "Well, it make sense that the baby gets the smallest room", said Sarah. She then opened my drawer stating that she wanted to see my briefs. I tried to stop her. but I wasn't strong enough. She just pushed me away and proceeded to pull out a pair of footsie pajamas. "You still wear these," she asked. "No, I just never took them out of my drawer", I responded. "But they match your undies so nicely", she said holding up a pair of my red underwear that had pictures of fire engines on them. I tried to snatch them away, but Sarah was too tall.

Meanwhile, Yvette started to sit on my bed to watch the show. It's something every high school boy wants, except for me. Because as she sat down, she immediately got up feeling the sheet, as it crinkled. Sarah instantly dropped my clothing and asked "You wet the bed"? "No, I have allergies", it was the lie that my mother told me. "That makes sense", said Sarah, "my friend Amy also has an allergy sheet". She gave a tug on the sheet and stated "Can't be, it's too loose". "So how often do you wet the bed"? "I told you, I don't", I said. "Do you need to wear diapers", she asked? "No, it only happens once in a while, why would I need diapers? I turned red, realizing that I slipped and admitted my bedwetting. Meanwhile, Sarah started to smile, "Are they in the closet", she asked as she started towards it.

I ran to hold it close, and shouted NO, but Sarah was too strong. Although there weren't any diapers inside, there was... "aha, payday" said Sarah as she came out with half a box of goodnites bedwetting pants. "They're only for sleepovers", I stated. This was true but it did nothing to lessen the sting.

Sarah started to chant "baby baby". But Yvette had enough and put an end to it. "Justin is now your brother, and even if he has a juvenile problem, you can't make fun of him. Sarah apologized and I accepted. But I believe it was only for formalities.

We were finally called down for supper, where we had a nice 3 course dinner. This was upsetting to me, as I really wanted to leave the table right away. After we finished my mom suggested that we go around the table and get to know each other. Each one of us got to ask 2 questions to each other and we had to answer truthfully. It wasn't too bad, until Sarah asked me her 2 questions. "When was the last time you had an accident? And have you ever kissed a girl? As embarrassing as it was, I truthfully answered last Saturday was my last accident and that I had never kissed a girl. Finally I was excused.

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