Idol Part 1

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"Nya! Nya! We're very happy! Nyanyanyanyanyanyaaaa~! Lalala~ lalala~!"

She panted and paused in the pose of her winking and pointing her finger to the big Orbeetle robot in front of her while having one of her legs closed and lifted. It was a typical idol pose after her performance, attempting to gain appraisal from her audience.


There the Orbeetle sat, in front of him was the young Alcremie woman who just sang and danced out all of her feelings. It was a... song alright, it was a song about kittens and happiness... with all the sparkles and rainbow sprinkled all over it. That song certainly has her written all over it, but for some reason that doesn't seem to impress him that much.


Offended, the woman stomped down her foot and pouted, "Ray! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"The thing is, Miss Milli..." Ray shrugged. "You didn't give your all,"

"What do you mean I don't give my all?! Don't you see the sweat trickling down my poor face?!" Milli angrily points at her face.

"Yeah yeah, that's what humans like you usually say," Ray shrugged.

"Fai-ry! I'm a fairy!!" Milli points at herself.

"Nice try, human. But fairies don't exist," Ray uncaringly looks at his rotophone. "You're straying away from the topic, anyway, your singing feels so forced and you didn't like what you're singing,"

"You...!!" her face becomes shades of red because of anger, not because he's accusing her out of nowhere but because he's absolutely right.

"Work on your singing more if you're serious about becoming an idol, or else someone with much more passion will replace you in a flash," Ray writes something on a board, then stands up from his seat as he clicks his pen.

"MEAN!! YOU'RE SO MEAAAAAAN!!" Milli screamed.

"Alright, it's your lunch break time now. Make sure you don't eat so much because after this, it's your choreography practice," Ray looks at the schedule on his board.

Milli's previously angry face turns to a slightly relieved one.

"UGH finally! I can finally eat something after hours of being insulted!" Milli steps down from the stage and walks away from the room.

"..." When Milli left the room, Ray let out an exasperated sigh. The robot is about to follow her before his rotophone rings. It's a call.

Ray picks it up and lifts it to his face.

"Hello, this is the management of the Galar Branch of Silph Co. Entertainment, what could I assist you with?"

"Mr. Ray, it's me,"

"Ah!" Ray immediately stood straight. "Madam!"

"Now, you don't have to refer to me by that title,"

"I'm sorry, Lenore. What's the matter?"

"How is that new self-proclaimed fairy idol that you just trained?"

"She's no good. Still singing half-heartedly, always whining at every schedule I gave her except for breaks, and crying loudly whenever things don't go her way. I'm at my limit, honestly," Ray started venting. "How long do you intend to keep her?"

"Be patient Ray, keep training her. I see huge potential from here which I'm sure she'll do great one day,"

"Listen Lenore, I know you're a psychic and all, but I really don't get what you see from her and why do you keep asking me to take care of her... everyday I'm tired of hearing her complaints whenever I try to set her straight,"

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