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The class at House Uva seems to be lively with the folks at the class chatting with each other. Even though the academy allows anyone regardless of age bracket to join in the school based on their knowledge level, each student seems to be dividing themselves based on whoever's at their age range.

And now...


"Alright everyone, sit down and be quiet," as the history teacher, Ms. Raifort enters the room, and she calls out to the students.

The students take the cues to return to their own seats and listen to their teacher.

"Hello class, today we're going to discuss the history of the Sinnoh region..." Ms Raifort then turns on the projector that serves as a modern whiteboard. There, it displays several images taken on some objects, some are scanned from old photographs.

"As it was told by the 8th Sinnoh Lorekeeper, Gotoh Kurotsugu, the Sinnoh region was once called Hisui by the first humans to ever inhabit the region, the Celestica folks. They all praised one deity that we know as Arceus," Raifort uses a laser pen to point at a portrait of said man and a huge map. "To honor their Creator, Celestica folks built several temples, however, for a reason historians still debate about, those temples were destroyed, leaving only two temples remaining; Solaceon Ruins and Snowpoint Temple,"

"Miss Raifort," a student raised his hand.

"Yes, Micah, you may ask," Raifort turns her gaze to the student.

"What were those reasons the historians debate about?" Micah asks.

"Well," Raifort crosses her arms. "Some said it was destroyed by their enemy during a war between Hisui and Johto, some also said it was destroyed during a battle between the Diamond and Pearl Clan that arrived later in the region... Some even said it was Arceus' wrath. Nobody knows for sure, because there were little to no records about the Celestica folks. You'd think there'll be plenty because technology has advanced and now much of the history has been revealed... yet the Celestica folks remains a mystery,"

The class fell silent, before Raifort opened up a related topic.

"Speaking of the Diamond and Pearl clans, does anyone know anything about it?"

"Oh! Oh! I do!" a student raised her hand.

"Yes, Maria, you may speak," Raifort called out for her.

"I've read before, the Diamond and Pearl clan came to Hisui after the Celestica folks disappeared," Maria replies. "They each praised one deity called 'Almighty Sinnoh', however, their ideas of 'Almighty Sinnoh' are different. Diamond clan said that the 'Almighty Sinnoh' is a deity that created time... while Pearl clan said that 'Almighty Sinnoh' created space, isn't that right, Ms. Raifort?"

"Yes, you've done your research well, Maria. I'm impressed," Raifort nods. "Like Maria said, after the Celestica folks were gone, the Diamond and Pearl clan came to Hisui by boat and both of them praised the same deity... however, their ideas of that deity were different, and thus, it caused them years of war and dispute,"

Raifort pauses, then asks the class, "Before I continue, does anyone in this class know the name of the first Diamond and Pearl clan's leaders?"

Not long, the students try to think of the names so they can get extra points, but alas, nobody has a clue.

"Anyone?" Raifort is then answered with silence, then she explains, "Of course not, it's not exactly a common knowledge in Paldea,"

She then switches the slide to an old painting portrait of three men. One wears a dark blue robe, another wears light pink robe, and the one in the middle wears a green robe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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