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Do you know how to create a great bully?

It's easy. Bully them horribly, even if it's just for a short time.  Then suddenly stop and give them power. ...If you do that, then no matter who it is, they'll be reborn as a mighty bully.

Even if you only bully them for about three days, you'll get them to believe that they're still a bullied kid for a hundred million times longer than that, and they'll reign as the mightiest of bullies.

It's been 5 years since the Unovan Ice Age incident and it's also been 5 years since the new hero, Nate defeated the absolute evil that is Ghetsis and Team Plasma scattered themselves all over the region... or outside the region like cockroaches.

And it also has been 5 years since the mad scientist Colress saw the error of his ways and disbanded Team Neo Plasma.

Since Colress helped repair the damages that Team Plasma caused, the government decided to not send Colress to jail, and instead was put under watch of Interpol and is not allowed to participate in any Pokemon Battles. Everywhere, he is always accompanied by agents of Interpol and was not allowed to get out of the Unova region for 10 years. It was not fun to say the least, but anything is better than spending the rest of his life behind bars, just like what happened to him many years before.

Till this day, Colress remembers how cold and harsh being a prisoner is and nothing before that. He had no idea if it was Team Plasma's countless experiments on him or if he was trying to bury his life before Team Plasma deep inside his brain that it eventually disappeared.

Colress remembered the hand that is outstretched to him, they told him,

"You may not be the hero of Reshiram, but upon closer inspection, you seem to possess an extremely rare Pokemon organ called Rotom! Surely, you will contribute to the change of Unova Region. Come, you've had enough of being experimented on, right?"

Colress, as a child who was afraid that he would be given another drug and being dissected again, thought this was the best thing that happened to him. He was happy that he's finally given proper clothes, and finally, proper education. He was raised by members of Team Plasma that he called them 'Professors' and made him to be like them.

Eventually, he became obsessed with 'bringing out Pokemon organ's potential' and conducted many horrible experiments that ironically, happened to him when he was a child in order to sate his curiosity. Due to his outstanding work in the world of science and his fruitful experiments on Kyurem, he was appointed as the 'leader' of Team Plasma to hide Ghetsis's appearance in public.

However, that alone isn't enough for him. Not satisfied with his works and experiments, Colress traveled all over Unova, searching for someone that can satisfy him, someone that can bring out the most in their Pokemon organ. He battled many people and won, his battles can get a little violent, but it's in the name of science, right?

Not long after, Colress was banned from battling by the official league after reports of his violent tendencies, and he was assigned the role of tactician instead, not knowing who he truly is.

Colress wasn't very happy about it, and so he continued his travels all over the Unova region, searching... searching... and searching...

Until he met a certain someone with the same fate as him.

He remembered the boy.

His name is Nate, and he was subject no. 567, Colress remembers being a part of his experimentations, the boy somehow escaped during the fall of Team Plasma 2 years prior and was not heard of since and is assumed dead.

Colress remembered the boy has an unique organ inside his body... and it is Mikado organ, something that only a Rayquaza possessed. He was a precious subject for Colress and he tried to force-evolve Nate into a Samurott and to undergo Mega Evolution, to no avail.

And that's why, Colress' focus shifts to Nate and to bring out the best in his powers and the unique organ that he possessed.

When he saw Nate in the Pokemon World Tournament at Driftveil city... he knew Nate was special, and he wanted to dig deeper into his potential.

However, he has one barrier that he needs to break. Besides Nate, there's an ex-Team Plasma Dante, he had no idea what Dante wanted with that child, but Colress didn't like it. It's like... he's holding Nate back from unleashing his true potential.

At some point, when Colress challenged the pair into a battle, Dante refused.

"I didn't even want to make him participate in the League Challenge in the first place," He said. "I don't want to make him participate in an unnecessary battle, especially to sate your sick curiosity." in that last sentence, he glared at the scientist.

"Curious! Yet you made him do that," Colress argued. "Perhaps you have a hidden agenda like me as well?"

"Hell no. All I wanted is to return him to his real parents, but he insisted on wanting to participate in the league challenge despite being too young for the required age,"

".... Too young or not, he has the potential to have the strongest Pokemon organ in the world. Not exploiting it to have the fullest potential is such a waste!"

"Colress," Dante stopped him before he spoke further. "How come you're so obsessed with exploiting Pokemon organ's power?"

Colress' mouth is zipped shut upon hearing that.

Why are you so obsessed?

It's something he couldn't stop thinking about.

He didn't know why he wanted to exploit the Pokemon organ's power so much.

And he discovered that answer after Nate bested him in a duel at Plasma's Frigate.

A duel that will determine if Kyurem's rage shall be released upon Unova or not.

And Nate won that duel.

Colress was in disbelief, they're both children of the experiment. Was it because Nate possessed that Mikado organ...? Or is it... something else...?

"No, Mr. Colress," Nate said to him. "It's because I decided to break that cycle of bullying,"

"Cycle...? What are you talking about...?"

"Papa told me about you," Nate nodded. "You were like me, we were both bullied horribly. And you can't bully your superiors so you lash out your frustration of being bullied by bullying me and many others,"

Colress' mouth is zip shut once again. Maybe it's true, he realized he hated all the scientists of Team Plasma for experimenting on him, that's why he sometimes disobeyed their orders to experiment himself. And he wanted to know how it feels to have power over others, that's why when he was given his first experimentation, he was ecstatic and went overboard.

Maybe he's ecstatic that he's finally given power to "bully" others, as a victim himself, he knows how it feels like, though instead of growing sympathetic to others, he becomes the bully himself.

With that in his mind...

Colress steps outside his house and sees his bodyguards.

"Good morning," he greeted them. "I'm just going out for walks around Nimbasa for some groceries,"

The bodyguards nod, and they begin escorting him around as if he's a celebrity, while in reality he's a prisoner.

At first, he thought those bodyguards were annoying, but now he is getting used to it. It has been a cycle for five years after all. It'll be weird in five years when he'll finally be a free man without the government watch over him.

As he walks to the supermarket, he sees many folks are going about their life without caring that a criminal just walks past them.

So that is a normal life.

He thought to himself. He envies those people, but at the same time glad that they're not fully vengeful towards what he has done.

As if... they have life outside that.

Life goes on... as they say.

Before Colress knows it, he has arrived at the supermarket....

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