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I can become whoever I wish whenever I want, that is what I used to believe being an actress and it was kinda true too. Being an actress have it's own pros and cons which you all must be aware of but one that I personally think is very helpful is the ability to lie so swiftly and smoothly.
Yeah, we are actors that's what we do for a living we lie and that too so much that if someone asks me to lie I wouldn't have to think too much and a lie will glide itself off my tongue.
Till now I didn't know where to effectively use this talent but now... I do
Being stuck in a place that I've only heard or read about in my GK books or TV is unbelievable.
And I already know we have a long journey ahead.

I still am mad about the way I died though.

I had finished shoot to my new movie and was eating while walking down the aisle, my bag hung loosely over my shoulder and I don't know what happened but I guess a fishbone stuck in my oesophagus and I died due lack of oxygen.
A stupid and embarrassing way of dying indeed.
Couldn't I die a heroic death like saving people from terrorist or zombie attack or sacrificing myself like everybodys favourite book characters, but no I had to die like what will people think when they get to know that
I mean like seriously; I am not sad about dying death is common to all but at least make it dramatic I know I m whining by now but let me HAVE THIS.

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