Chapter 8 red spider lily

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Hiii guys finally I'm back after all disasters hahaha

And yes the one in the picture is meika, akane's cousin that girl with short hair

so in the previous chapter we talked about the red spider lily and it symbolizes death and that's why Akane seems to see it often everywhere for unknown reasons and Akane is afraid that something might happen to her or her loved ones and she always remembers what sonic told her that that flower is not a good sign but sonic still remains mysterious and thinks it's just Akane's dream which isn't really.

So akane and meika went to the library again but akane saw a red spider lily in the books and ignored it and continued to pray in her mind Because of the fear that one of them will die

Meika: are you ok? Oh my... You look pale... Is Everything ok?

Akane: meika... The red spider lily...No matter where I go I always see that and what does that mean?

Meika: huh? Where?

Akane: that *points*

Meika: in the book?

Akane: yes...

Meika: *Went and scraped* Nothing...

Akane: what?!! Nevermind...

Meika: That's what you get for watching horror movies🙄

Akane: no! Isn't that the saying about that flower that symbolizes negativity or death?

Meika: I know, I know But I don't believe that hahaha it's just a flower they can't tell when we will die in short that flower can't predict our life!

Akane: you sure?

Meika: yes, only god knows

Akane: Hmmm ok you said that...

Meika: That's ok don't be nervous haha ​​that's not true That's just saying, remember that it's just a flower


Random person: hey! Miss hasegawa! are you coming later? Because we have football practice later...

Akane: yes, I will go later

Meika: I'll see you later at your practice 👌

Akane: sure!

12:00 noon...

Akane: ok meika!They said we only have half a day Let's go to my football practice right away!

Meika: ok wait for me!

So Meika accompanied Akane to get dressed for her football practice Because there is going to be a big tournament and Akane is the most expected by her whole team Because she is a champion in their entire school And they will fight with people from other schools.


Akane: ouch! My head hurts!

Meika: oh no akari! Are you okay? Can you go to your practice?

Akane: ughhhh!!!! The pain is unexplainable! Why?! What's happening again?!!

(OPM world)

Sonic: fuck!! This is happening again! Maybe I have a disease I think I need to go to doctor!

* Akane's hairpin lights up*

Sonic: eh? This hairpin again? Why is that? I seem to notice that when I carry this hairpin in my pocket, my head hurts I have to go home first, I can't do it anymore It hurts so much that I have a fever...

Back to akane....

Akane: let's go home meika, I can't... I think I can't go to my practice right now I think I'm going to have a fever

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