Paris and Luther

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Paris Finlay and Luther Houston had been in a relationship for almost 4 years. They were inseparable, spending all their time together, talking for hours, and sharing their dreams and fears.

But over time, they started to drift apart. Luther was busy with his job, and Paris was busy also with her schoolworks. They had less and less time for each other, and their conversations grew shorter and more strained.

One day, Luther came to Paris apartment and told her that they needed to talk.

Luther: "Paris, we need to talk."

Paris: "Hey babi, what's up?"

Luther: "I feel like we're growing apart. We don't spend as much time together as we used to, and when we do, it feels forced."

Paris: "I know, and I'm sorry. Schoolwork has been crazy lately, and I've been trying to keep up with everything."

Luther: "I understand that, but I miss you. I miss the way we used to be, when we could talk for hours and never get bored."

Paris: "I miss that too, Luther. But I don't know what to do."

Luther: "Paris, I feel like we're in different places right now, and I don't want to hold you back."

Paris: "Hold me back? Luther, you're not holding me back. You're the one thing in my life that makes sense. I don't want to lose you."

Luther: "I don't want to lose you either, Paris. But I need some space. I need to figure things out."

Paris: "What does that mean? Are you breaking up with me?"

Luther: "I'm sorry Paris, didn't mean to go this far and I didn't mean to hurt us this way... I'm sorry..."

Paris: "It's okay, that's fine. But just know that I love you, Luther. I always have, and I always will."

Luther: "I love you too, Paris. That's never going to change."

Paris was devastated. She had always thought that they were meant to be together, and the thought of losing him was unbearable. But Luther was firm, and he left her apartment with a heavy heart.

Days turned into weeks, and Paris tried to fill the void with her studies and work. But she couldn't stop thinking about Luther. She missed his smile, his voice, and the way he made her feel.

She regretted not begging him to stay, not fighting harder for their relationship. She realized that she had taken him for granted, and that her pride had gotten in the way of her happiness.

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1 year later...

One evening, Paris decided to take a chance. She called Luther and asked if they could meet.

at the café...

Paris and Luther sit across from each other in a cozy corner of the café. There's a quiet tension in the air as they sip their coffee and try to avoid each other's gaze.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Paris finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry for the way things ended between us, Luther. I should have fought harder for our relationship," she says, looking down at her cup.

Luther nods, but he doesn't say anything. His eyes are distant, and his expression is unreadable.

Paris takes a deep breath and looks up at him. "I miss you, Luther. I miss us. Can we try again?"

Luther's face finally shows a flicker of emotion, but it's not what Paris was hoping for. "Paris, I don't think that's a good idea. I've moved on."

Paris's heart sinks. "Moved on? What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm seeing someone else now. It's not fair to her or to me to go back to something that's already ended."

Paris looks down at her lap, trying to hide the tears that are welling up in her eyes. "I understand," she says quietly. "I just wish things could have been different."

Luther reaches across the table and takes her hand. "I know, Paris. But sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to. We had some great times together, but it's time for us to move on."

Paris nods, still unable to meet his gaze. They sit in silence for a few more minutes before Luther stands up.

"I should go," he says softly. "Take care of yourself, Paris."

Paris watches him walk away, feeling a sense of loss that's almost too much to bear. As she finishes her coffee and leaves the café, she knows that she'll never forget the love she shared with Luther, no matter where life takes them.


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