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Third POV:

Mob was walking down the neighborhood, on the way back to his home. The sun was hugging warmly to his skin, and the wind played with his hair. The atmosphere was calm, He just finished his meeting with the 'Body Improvement' club, the sun was about to set.

The weather is nice today.. Thought the boy. He continues his merry way to his abode. Until, his cellphone starts ringing. He stops in his tracks and reaches to his pocket. He takes his phone and picks up the call

"Hello?" he put the phone by his ear and spoke softly. "Hey, Mob!" the familiar, monotone, yet calming voice could be heard through his cellphone. "Ah, hello shishō, why are you calling me?" "Well, We got another client today. They need some help exorcising another evil spirit. I'll tell you the details when you come here." Reigen stated

"Oh, okay then."

"Great! I'll see you soon then." Reigen exclaims. And hangs up the phone. Mob looks at his phone, and puts it back in his pocket. he turns around and walks to Reigen's office.

Timeskip. [4:16 pm, Reigen's office.]————

Mob takes a step to the office and was greeted by none other than his mentor, Arataka Reigen.
Reigen approaches Mob."Yo, mob. Just in time!" he smiles. "So. Like I said through the phone, we're gonna exorcise more evil spirits. The guy we're exorcising is not gonna be an easy task. My power would be too overwhelming for this though, and it may cause some mayhem. So I brought a special someone with me." Mob looks behind Reigen and his eyes widen slightly to see Teruki Hanazawa, his frenemy. At least, thats what Teru says.

"Hey Mob! we meet again!" he waves at him. "Teru? but, what about Serizawa? Can't he help with the exorcism?" Mob tilts his head slightly. "Well, Serizawa has night school. And it would be rude of me to disrupt him from restarting his life again." The consultant rubs his nape. "..And it wont be easy for you to do this alone. So I managed to convince Teru into this." He continues. Mob nods in response.

"Anyway, I have the location for the exorcism. So we should go. We cant waste time." Reigen fixes his tie as they set off to the location instructed by the client.

The three were outside, Reigen was in front, guiding the both of them to the location. Teru and Mob were walking silently behind him. The atmosphere was suffocating. It was awkward. And the both of them have nothing to say.

"You know, Im glad to see you again, Kageyama! Its been a while since we last talked." Teru started, trying to lift the atmosphere. Mob looks at Teru, smiling softly. He nods in agreement, "yeah, I guess its been a while.." "We should hang out sometime! To catch up with stuff!" Teru suggests. Mob thought about it for a moment. And spoke. But before he could actually say anything, they were interrupted. "Alright, you two. We made it." Reigen points to the abandoned house. It was gloomy, and vines were overgrowing in the exteriors of the walls from the house. It was untaken care of. and it smelled like rotting rats, for some reason. The sky also changed, it was dark. And there was barely any sunlight. "You both might have to cover your noses. It smells putrid in here.." Reigen suggest, him covering his own nose with his tie as well.

"It looks like some haunted house.." He covers his nose too, overwhelmed by the foul smell. "Well, we're gonna have to step inside whether we like it or not. We have some exorcism to do." Reigen's voice was muffled, by the tie he held up to his nose. Mob could care less though. He was unbothered by the smell at all.

They take a step inside the gate, flies flying everywhere. Teru waves his hand to the side, to avoid any flies getting close to him. "God, this place is unbearable. Why isn't the house demolished yet?" Teru complained. "Mm. No wonder the client requested this place exorcised." Reigen pushes the door open. He looks at his hand, full of dust. Mob and Teru look at his hand too from behind. Both their faces picturing pure disgust. Reigen grabs a handkerchief from his suit and wipes the dust off. 'I might need to wash this later..' he thought. He puts the handkerchief back in his suit. Then they continue their way inside the house.

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