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Third POV:
[ 5:34, Haunted House. ]

The three continue their exploration in the house. They were walking silently through the hallway. It was awkward. And no conversation has started for the past few minutes. Reigen was in front of them, obviously in the lead. He was walking with one hand in his pocket, his stance was scarily confident. and he observes the hallways intently. Trying to 'find' an evil spirit and 'looking' for any paranormal activity that goes in this hallways. The middle schoolers were behind him. And they were awfully quiet. Doing quite the opposite as what one of their mentor is doing. None of them said a single word. The silence was suffocating. And it was quite bothersome. Teru was itching to start a conversation, to lighten up the mood. But before he could. He was interrupted. "Oh, I think theres one nearby. It seems like its waiting for us." Mob started. Reigen turned his head to Mob. "Then lets prepare ourselves if its not too far from here." Reigen suggested, he turns his head to Mob, as he continues walking down the crucially long hallway. "Hm. Was it expecting us? Or did it realize we exorcised one of the evil spirits just now.." Teru asked himself. "I think it knows we exorcised one." Mob replies to his question. His eye gazing at him, he turns his head to Teru. The three discussed farther. But was disrupted. "Oh, I can sense its aura from here!" Teru exclaimed. He stopped walking for a moment, his eyebrows unintentionally raised sky high. We must be getting close then. So lets not stop now." They continue their walk, but they had to stop in their tracks. Because an evil spirit suddenly appeared before them, The evil spirit was tied up with a cloth from bottom to top. It was human like. It had a human face, but the face looked like it was rotting and its nose was stuffed with tissue, the tissue had remaining blood and mucus in it. It looked like a.. corpse? (do evil spirits have past life?) Its legs were tied too so it was just bouncing continuously. The evil spirit stared intently at them. Reigen stares back menacingly. He leaned over to the bouncing spirit, trying to slightly close the gap between the two. And so it became a staring contest. They stared at each other like there was no tomorrow. The two were experts, they wouldn't release their gaze from each other. Even the two espers were flabbergasted by the sight.


The middle schoolers stood back as the challenge continues. Moments have passed, They're still in the staring contest.  However, it looked like Reigen was genuinely losing to this evil spirit. his eyes were watery, and his eyes were becoming red. Theres no doubt that his eyes are probably starting to become sore from the lack of blinking he did for the past few minutes. The espers cheered him on. Not aloud. Soon enough, Reigen moved to another strategy. Which Teru and Mob were definitely not expecting. Reigen raises his left foot as he front kicks the evil spirit. Totally giving up and putting aside his plan to stare at it threateningly.


Reigen fixes himself casually, after physically harming.. an evil spirit? It looked like it was impacted by him. But it didn't even budge after that. Which made Reigen worry. The three were also quite concerned how it isn't attacking them yet. The evil spirit continues to stare at them menacingly. Mob reaches out his hand and prepares to exorcise it. Surprisingly, it wasn't trying to disrupt Mob in the exorcism process at all. A slight, blinding light emerged and the evil spirit was nowhere to be seen. "It looked like it actually wanted to be exorcised.." Teru puts a finger by his chin, replaying the scenario in his head. "It probably wanted to be released from its misery. Being an evil spirit probably isn't as great as many of the ones we encounter find it as." Reigen replies, putting a hand by his pocket. His head facing Teru. "Anyways, lets move on. Do any of you sense any evil spirits roaming around here still?" the mentor quickly changes topics, to avoid more awkward scenarios. "Im certain theres one upstairs. The house is pretty huge after all. So theres gotta be more in the second floor." Teru remarks, he swiftly puts his hair back with his finger, separating the strands of hair. Mob nods in agreement. "Mm, There shouldn't be too much around here now, though." Mob added. The three continue their exploration around the 'haunted' house.

Timeskip. [5:50, Haunted House.] —————

Everyone was eventually out of that ridiculously long hallway. It took quite a while, but it was definitely worth the while for them. They were back in the main entrance where they last were. And are exploring the rooms in the main entrance. "ACHOO! God, I regret exploring these areas." Reigen complained, dust all over his suit as he tries to get them off. But instead it spreads all over the room instead. "I can feel that theres one up the stairs, like Teru said moments ago." Mob uttered a small sneeze, he covers half his face with his hand.  "Alright, lets make this quick then." Reigen quickly sweeps off remaining dust by his suit.

The three begin to walk up the stairs. Quite slowly. Mob definitely regret holding onto the bars by the stairs though. It was full of cobwebs, and it was really, REALLY dirty. He wipes it off with his uniform, the uniform now full of dirt. They reach the top floor, and were not expecting it to have.. moist, looking liquids on the floor. It looked like, slime? All
of them shivered in disgust. Mob's explosion rate rising up from 20% to 28%. "I can sense it, Its by that room." Mob points over to a door not too far from where they were at the moment. "We should go then, Maybe its the cause of these.. stuff." Teru looks at the slimy floor. They walk up to the door Mob said, avoiding the slime in the floor. Reigen turns the knob on the door slowly, the three's eyes widen as they were shock to find out the spirit that roams in that room..

to be continued.


A/N: hey! sorry this took SOOO long to upload. I had no motivation.. Also im ALSO very sorry that the writing's kinda.. weird. I'll fix it later. Anyways, thanks for reading! see you in the next chapter ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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