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Their relationship skyrocketed from there. On the third date, it became clear that Ryujin and Yeji were girlfriends.

Ryujin would go to bed each night dreaming of the other girl. Yeji occupied every corner of her mind-she has never felt like this with any past girlfriends before.

Compared to this, they were simply practice for the big thing. The real thing. It feels as if the universe had been rearranging itself in order for them to collide, and now that the collision has occurred, everything is how it is supposed to be.

The furthest they have gone is making out. They kiss for hours upon hours and spend quite a bit of time cuddling, but nothing more than that. Yeji has expressed how she wants to take it slow, and Ryujin respects this.

Sometimes she gets rather sexually frustrated, but she can always take care of it herself. She's willing to make sacrifices to ensure her girlfriend's happiness.

Five months into the relationship, Yeji wants to finally introduce Ryujin to her parents.

When they hang out, they go to various places in the city, the hill overlooking the beach, or to Ryujin's house. Never to Yeji's-she's been a little scared about how her parents will react.

They are aware of the relationship, but Yeji is scared that they won't approve when they meet the Cuban girl and force their daughter to stop seeing her.

Which is completely irrational, who WOULDN'T like Ryujin upon meeting her? Still, Yeji is cautious.

Ryujin has been to the Hwang residence plenty of times, from dropping off and picking up her girlfriend. She's only ever seen the outside.

This will be her first time actually being invited inside. Standing on the doorsteps, she shuffles nervously with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

Tonight, she's dressed in a fitted black dress with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Meeting the parents of a significant other has always been a nerve-racking event for Ryujin, whether it be a high school girlfriend or a college girlfriend. This is no different.

In fact, the situation is even more unique. She will be facing the parents of the child she murdered.

They will unknowingly let the murderer of their daughter to step into their household and eat dinner with them.

Ryujin's sadistic desires are still present. They've been with her since middle school and haven't left since.

Sometimes, she just wants to make someone suffer. Anyone. But she holds back and resists her urges, no matter how intense her needs become.

She's invested in a PS4 and the violent video games that conservative mothers protest against in fear of their children growing up and becoming killers.

It's nothing like killing for real, but it's enough for now. She is aware that with Yeji as her girlfriend, she will never be able to hurt anyone just for the fun of it again, and she is prepared to make these sacrifices.

Yeji's mother answers the door. Behind her, Ryujin sees Yeji pacing around the kitchen, cleaning up any loose trash.

Putting on her most charismatic, likeable grin, she extends her hand to shake the older woman's. "Hi Mrs. Hwang, I'm Ryujin! It's so nice to finally meet you, these are for you," she hands her the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you Ryujin, this is very sweet of you," Yeji's mother accepts the flowers with a gracious smile. "You can call me Seulgi."

Yeji's father steps forward, shaking Ryujin's hand. She imagines that before Lucy's disappearance, his handshakes would be full of vigor and energy.

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