Chapter 3:Katie Kat

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A/N:  Ariva Derci (I'm not Italian so we'll just hope that I spelled that right.  If not, well then I sure feel stupid...)  Anyways, I want to say sorry for not updating, I'm just getting a lot more caught up with school stuff lately.  And thank you to my loverly readers :)  70- something reads, 3 votes and 4 comments for this story so far even with only 2 chapters and the prologue.  Kind of a record as far as my attempts at writing go xD  So yope, I'm having some writer's block so I apologize, for this chapter will probably be short and more or less a filler chapter.  Hope you guys like the story so far:) Vote, fan, comment, etc. Love y'all<3


"I'm back, Katie Kat!" Jade screams in my ear Monday morning.  I don't know about you, but I, personally, am not a morning person.  Nor am I a Monday person.  And quite frankly I'm not really a huge fan of having someone scream right in my ear, either.  And yet here I am, standing in front of my locker on a Monday morning with Jade screaming right in my ear.

I love the girl to death, she's like a sister to me, which is the only thing preventing me from strangling her right now.

"Oh! I almost forgot!  We seriously need to talk, Katie Kat.  I have about a weeks worth of complaining to do."  Jade has been on a business trip with her father for the past week in Jamaica.  Her dad is not the kind of guy you want to be stuck with for a week and Jade is constantly whining about him- with good reason, too.  Last year he tried to ship her off to boarding school in England because, and I quote, he "is tired of her ungrateful attitude."  She threw a temper tantrum and threatened his reputation by setting up an interview with some magazine to tell the world what she really thinks about him.  Needless to say, her flight to London was cancelled within 24 hours.

Jade's mom is probably the exact opposite.  Jade's mother is, in simplest terms, a hippie.  Total flower child.  Guess who Jade takes after.  Her parents had her out of wedlock, meeting at some party before her dad became a big, bad businessman. 

The bell trills through the halls and Jade grips my arm, dragging me to homeroom while singing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" loudly all the way.   I can't help but think that she fits perfectly with the people I befriend, watching her sing the same song that another crazy girl that I somehow came to be friends with had been singing loudly just a few days ago at the warehouse. 

She keeps tugging my arm in the direction of Mr. Hultz's classroom.  Only she doesn't stop when we reach the classroom.  She keeps on skipping right past it, dragging me behind her.

"Uhh, Jade?"

"Hm?" she pauses her humming for a second, turning to give me a questioning look.

"You know that our homeroom is back there, right?"

"Katie Kat I've been coming to this school for much longer than you have- despite my father's attempts at getting rid of me by shipping me off to some lame stuffy boarding school halfway across the country.  I think I know where homeroom is."

"Well then, would you care to enlighten me as to why we just walked right past it?"

"Nope." she replies, popping the "p".  She digs her fingernails into my fore-arm and proceeds to drag me through the now abandoned hallways.  I roll my eyes but don't bother trying to get anything out of her.  It's futile.  The girl is stubborn as a bull.  A bull obsessed with the Beatles.  This, of course brings to mind an image of Jade the Bull with her huge collection of Beatles albums.

We stop in front of the main office of the high school building (The school goes from grades K-12) and I shoot a confused look in her direction- which, in case you were wondering she completely ignores and continues her singing, now having moved on from Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds to I Am the Walrus.  The thing is, we both avoid the office at all possible costs, so for her to willingly- happily- pull me to the front office is slightly unsettling.  Jade doesn't do authority figures.  Like, ever.  And so I am extremely curious as to what the heck is going on inside that girls head.

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