Chapter 8

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A/N: HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS 1K READS!!!! Thanks so much ^_^


So, I know I suck for not updating enough but I'm kind of bad with time management and also with school starting and everything, (surprise surprise) won't have much time or ways to get online to post. Sorry:( also, I still couldn't find that god damned folder so this chapter was written on a whim pretty much. You'll just have to deal with it guys. Ill try to write more soon but no promises x(

I think I'll start trying to update 1+ times a month...sorry guys:(


"I don't get it," Jade says, "Why do you dress like that? It's not like anyone would know anything since nobody has ever seen the elusive 'K' before, right?"

The first time Jade found out about my mysterious alter ego was when she got into a massive fight with her father and snuck into my house in the middle of the night. She walked into my room right as I was leaving and, needless to say, freaked out.

"Well, I like to think of myself as a method actor. It helps me get into character."

Honestly that's a bunch of crap and Jade knows it but telling her the real reason would be going into things that I'm not ready to talk about.


"Hey, super-dork."

I can honestly say that this is the first time I've been happy to see Courtney and hear the oh so original insults of her loyal followers, Caroline and Stacey.

"Hi, Courtney," I sigh, running a hand through my slightly frizzy hair (It's humid out today and I didn't bother straightening it this morning.)

"What do you want?" Jade snaps.

"Shut up, she wasn't talking to you," Stacey, probably the least bright out of the three of them, tells Jade in her nasally voice.

"Yes well I wasn't talking to you either."

I ignore the pair and turn to face Courtney again. Jade and Stacey fall silent, scowling at each other as Courtney starts to speak.

"See this?" She thrusts a magazine into my face and I take it, confused. On the cover is a picture of some lame pop singer. Courtney snatches it away, flips to a certain page, and shoves it back at me.

The article was about my mother and her new boy toy.

"What about it?"

"Dumb bitch! That's my uncle your mom is fucking! Ewww!"

"What does that have to do with me?!"

"Make it stop!! It's your fucking slut of a mother..."

I start seeing red then. Sure, she was never the best parent, but she was still my mother and there was no way in hell I was going to let Courtney get away with talking about her like that.

But the bell rings. I can't afford to be late to class in case my father were to notice and start paying more attention to me.

I walk into the girls restroom after telling Jade I was fine and that she could go to class without waiting for me.

I lock myself in the stall and try to contain the anger left from Courtney's encounter.

A girl runs in sobbing to her friends.

"I can't... I can't believe this! He c-can't do that! Can he? Daddy-" she cuts off hiccuping through her tears, "Daddy needed that job!"

"I know, honey, I know. That bitch will get what she deserves one day. Shh, it'll be okay," her friends comforts.

"Stupid slut!!" The crying girl sobs.

"How could she?! All I did was flirt a little bit with that cute new guy, Seth! I didn't even know they were dating! And that bitch gets her parents to fire Daddy! It's not fair!"

"Come on hon, let's get some coffee."


"You need it. Besides, it'll mean missing gym!"

The girl sniffles again and I hear the door opening and closing again.

So that poor girl flirted with that jack ass idiot Seth and Courtney got her dad fired?

Courtney better sleep with one eye open, because while Katie might not hold a grudge, K isn't very forgiving...


"Ready?" I say after explaining what we are doing and why.

They all nod, except for Seth.

"You got a problem, newbie?"

This was Seth's first time going out at night with the rest of the crew and full on sabotaging a business deserving of our wrath via vandalism and spray paint. I kind of guessed he would be conflicted about this since it was his girlfriends dad's business they were targeting.

Seth shook his head.


With that we set off to raise hell for Courtney and her father, showing them in a different light then they are used to...

***The Next Day***

"THAT LITTLE BITCH!!" Courtney's scream echoes through the hallway after, I'm assuming, she gets word of K's latest 'attack'.

I see the girls from the bathroom the other day, smiling brightly as Courtney fumes, her two minions trying to no avail to soothe the savage beast that was their leader.

This is part of why it's so great to be K. I love watching people get justice. Watching cruel businesses go up in flames for a week or two before finding their balance again. I love causing chaos for those who deserve it. And from what I know, Courtney most definitely deserves this and her dad does too.

It feels good watching those girls smile at Courtney, who is still on rampage.

I can't help but smile as I walk into my next class. I can't help but feel guilty though. Not for Courtney, for Seth. I don't like him, but maybe it was cruel for me to make him do that to his girlfriend...

I feel bad... Until I enter my next class to see Courtney screaming at him.

"What's going on?" I ask some girl standing next to me in the circle of people surrounding the *coughcough* 'happy couple'.

"He just dumped her and she's making a fool of herself." The girl smirks at me.

"Finally..." I mutter.

The girl turns and smiles at me.

"So we share the same opinion on her huh?"

I grin in response.

"I'm Nicole." She holds out a hand and I shake it.

"I'm Katie."

"Oh I know! You're parents are my parents idols!"


That is how I made my second friend at school and saw Courtney throw a hissy fit within an hour. This is a good day...


A/N: short but effective, right?

I know I suck and you probably have up hope on me for not updating in so long but still I LOVE YOU IF YOU'RE STILL HERE TO PUT UP WITH MEEE!!! <3



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