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Even before the day had started, Charlie had a odd feeling about the day. She couldn't quite pinpoint why she had such a feeling.
She had a feeling it revolved around a certain husband of hers, who has had his head in the gutter lately.
With theories and number all up on his office walls and in his copy of his sister's autobiography.

Charlie was well aware of her husband's want to go back to his family, and she supported it full heartily. Having missed the timeline they were from too. But the guy has been going rather uneasy lately
Many probably wouldn't even notice it, as Five Hargreeves was an excellent actor with other motives and thoughts in mind.

But his dearest wife knew him better than he- well knew himself almost. Hence why Charlie had been trying to find the reason or whatever it is that was going through Fives head. Cause it had been driving her crazy too.
So much so that she finally addressed it when they went to the grassy knoll.

"Five Hargreeves, you better tell me what is going on with you right this moment or you'll be hung from the tree for hours on end" Charlie said, as she held Five tightly with her bandages.
"and don't you dare try to deflect from the question. I'm not asking, I'm demanding"

Five signed "fine fine, I think it's time we break the contract. I have found the equation home"
Charlie looked at him in confusion, but she lent him her ear anyways. "I found it Charlie. Now make way, it's about damn time you meet the family" Five huffed.

Five took a few steps ahead, looking back at Charlie -indicating for her to follow him- which she did. Five began to create a blue vortex of sorts. Charlie had pulled away from it, scared and impressed. But it was also due to heavy wind that was forming around Five.
"Five are you sure you found it? I don't want to be separated from you!" Charlie yelled in worry "Honey- is it safe? You know what happened the last-"
Five had cut her off as he created the portal. He had sharply turned to face her

"Don't worry. I know what happened the last time. But in any case, we will just have to hold on to one another alright?" Five looked at her in the eyes, her gorgeous green eyes shined right back at his own.
Then a fire extinguisher suddenly landed beside them with a loud 'TUFF' sound.
Charlie eyed the portal, before returning her gaze to Five.

"You ready wonder woman?" He grinned, holding out his hand for her to take. "Of course Damian Wayne" Charlie smirked back and took the offered hand.
Together they jumped through the Vortex.

The vortex had a lot of push back, Charlie and Five felt it. Charlie could only feel it as a powerful wind or water resistance almost. She commended Marino from her wrist to roll around Fives own, so they could be sure to not be separated from one another.
When finally through, Charlie had let go of Fives hand out of exhaustion and missing strength. Marino too had loosened its grip around Five.
Both Charlie and Five then fell to the ground hardly. Five landed in the middle of the courtyard, and Charlie -having terrible luck- landed in a bush

"Hey does anyone else see little Number Five, or is it just me?" A drunken voice spoke out, Charlie just grunted from having landed in a rather uncomfortable place. Leaves and branches poked, stocked at her from all sides of her body
"And a young girl in the bush apparently?" A confused male voiced said.
"SOME HELP COULD BE NICE FIVE!" Charlie yelled, Five grunted but made run to help her out. An older and much bigger blonde dude helped her out aswell. Charlie looked at him with complete shock painted on her bright face.

The man was huge, much much much taller than she or Five. But when she went to look at her husband, she just found a younger looking version she hadn't seen for years. "AH- FIVE!" she screamed. Shocking the giant blonde as she ran past him to reach for Five.
Charlie grabbed his face to examine it, while she whipser yelled at him "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOURE NOT PROPERLY THINKING!, LOOK AT YOU! YOU LOOK 16 AGAIN!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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