Part 10

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Without warning they all got up and charged charged at the poor boy while yelling over each other, the circled him only to be smacked with something.  They back up while moaning before seeing Emma scoot in and stand between them and Takemichi "hey, this boy has clearly been through a lot and doesn't remember us so back the fuck up or else I won't hesitate to send you to god" she threatens only to hear a small giggle coming from behind her so she turns around to see that same happy and cheerful face they all saw that first day. He felt peoples eyes on him so he looks up "Ah uh ha sorry about that....I just umm I find it kinda funny cause she's just like Uncle Mikey-...." He looks to the side sad "I-I mean Mikey" she smiles and puts a hand on hes shoulder with a gentle touch "hey don't worry about it ok know tell me my child what happened to your eye?" She asked as she put the hand from hes shoulder on hes cheek, rubbing the bottom off the bruise with her finger.

Everyone went stiff at the mention off a bruise, hes eyes widen as he backs up "I-I's just that" he starts rambling before Emma laughed "hey hey calm down, I know your probably on edge but do we look like bad people who you can't trust" she says, he takes a look behind her to see just a happy looking Family. They all give him a warm smile before messing around with each other so he looks at the women again and takes a breath "it's from some bullies in school" everyone falls silent making Takemichi worried and uncomfortable to the point he plays with hes hands but they are soon gently grabbed my Emma "hey it's ok, you can tell us" he nods before telling them "they bullied me cause they found out who my 'dad' and 'uncles' where.....they said I wasn't their child or family cause I didn't look like them and sure enough they were right..." he falls quite.

Emma looks at the others before dragging Takemichi to the kitchen pats everyone "ignore them, they ain't worth it ok. You know who your family are and that's all that matters" she points to a chair before heading to a draw, so he sits down wondering what the hell is happening " ain't gonna ignore me or tell me to fight back" her eyes widen before looking at him "wait what, they done that?" A voice chimes in making Takemichi look around only to find it belonged to a guy with blonde hair and an undercut "yeah...they said if I don't fight back then they won't believe that I'm there son but....I'm not like them, I don't like violence or confronting someone" he locks eyes with the guy before he's brain flicks through past memories, he's eyes widen "wait, Chifuyu?" He asked, everyone's eyes widen as the guy nods, Takemichi smiles "I remember you, from a past memory in my childhood" and just like that Chifuyu a clinging onto the boy crying.

He laughs as he pats the older man's head, Emma walks over and sorts out he's bruise as others make fun off Chifuyu for acting like a child but it was time for everyone to leave after an hour, everyone trying to get a word in with the boy. Takemichi is sitting in the living off Emma's and Drakens house while they are in the kitchen "Draken, what are we gonna do?" She asked in a whisper as she nudges her head in the boys direction, he sighs "look, I know something bad happened but he needs to go home" he whispers back only to revive a horrific look from hes wife. "What, we can't keep him or else the others will kill us. You know what Mikey is like." He spoke in a low whisper, both were in their own little world and didn't notice how the boy was literally standing right there shocked "you wanna.....s-send me them" this shocked them and they both looked at the boy shocked.

"Uh ha listen here Takemi- NO, YOUR JUST AS BAD AS THEY ARE. YOU SAY YOU WANTED TO PROTECT ME BUT YOU WANNA SEND ME BACK" tears fall from the boys eyes as Emma comes around the counter and goes to put a hand on hes cheek but it's slapped away in anger and sadness "uh....Takemichi please- it, I'm done with you all" he says before turning to leave, he gets to the door before he's hand is grabbed but he doesn't look back only yanks it away with force "leave me alone, I don't need any off you. Not know and not ever so leave me alone, forever" he opens the door "pass the message along" he says before disappearing into the night, Emma and Draken to shocked to even do anything. They decided that he most likely will come back later so they waited but soon fell asleep.

Morning came, they woke up to nothing. No letter, phone call or even Takemichi himself so they start to panic and do the one thing they swore they would never do. They called Mikey. He finally picked up on the 3rd ring:

Draken - "hey man, it's me.."

Mikey - "what do you want Draken?"

He takes a breath before speaking.

Draken - "It's Takemichi"

Mikey - "what you found him, where are you I'll come pick him up"

Draken - "no Mikey, we did have Takemichi. He heard me and Emma talking about sending him back to you guys and he ran off, we thought he would come back but he didn't"

The phone call ends and they stand their shocked but a few minutes later their door gets kicked down and sure enough standing there was Mikey, Sanzu and the rest off the gang "WHERE IS MY SON?" He yells as he storms forward "calm down and we will explain" Emma spoke standing in front off Draken as a wall so Sanzu doesn't lay a hand on her husband. They then explained what happened when Draken found him to the point they called.

They never found Takemichi after that but it was maybe a few years later, everyone is in their late 20's early 30's so Takemichi is early 20's by know when a knock was heard on the base, by this point Mikey and he's gang were untouchable so they opened the door like nothing and standing there was a police officer holding something. Koko invited him so die and waited for everyone to show up, Mikey and Sanzu have changed since that day. They changed for the worse cause Takemichi was their everything anyway. The officer looked sad "I'm sorry Mr. Sano but I found this" he hands the wallet to Mikey who doesn't show anything so he opens it only for hes face to go pale and a single tear falls down he's face "uh, hey boss you ok?" Ran asked before taking what he was holding and sure enough he looked shocked as well "FUCK SAKE WHATS GOING ON" Sanzu finally snapped.

Ran pulled out some card and showed it to the room, their faces dropped cause there stamped on the front was a picture off their Takemichi, they look at the officer "where did you get this?" Rindou asked "I found it at a crime site, I don't know if it is the victims cause they are burned to a crisp or if he got out".

"M-My son...he's alive" Sanzu whispered to himself.

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