Valentines Day

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Elsa POV
Ugh what does North want now,he's calling the guardians on Valentines Day....great just great,how am I going to even explain how important Valentine's Day is when I can't even talk.
I'm flying up to the North Pole with my bow on my back,I'm wearing an ice blue crop top,tan short short an ice wrap around my ankles and my beloved mood necklace. I land on the balcony and right before I was about to open the door,some one quickly opens them and tackles me to the ground...Jack!He finally realized it was me and kissed me, 2 years since we've seen each other.A smile formed on my lips as we kissed,I felt him smile to.
"I' ve missed you so much"Jack pulled away from the kiss and sat up,also helping me up in the process
"I've missed you too"My eyes widened,Jack noticed but just rolled his eyes
"Come Elsa surly you've said a least one word in those 2 years"Jack said sternly
I nodded ' no '
"Elsa stop with the silence your Cupid you can think of something"Jack was trying to cheer me up
"Jack,all I do is think"He is getting on my nerves
"Well cupid,looks like your with me you can talk fine"He smirked,ugh I don't have time for this,I walk pass Jack going inside the globe room.
" seem stressed,you okay?"He easily caught up to me
"Think frost,North called me on Valentines Day"I am really annoyed right now
"Valentines Day?"Jack your are one smart remark away from me losing it
"My holiday"I said coldly,and we walked in,to see Toothunny hugging,North pacing,and Sandy inspecting the globe.
"Hey...Hey!.....WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON!!!???"The last thing I yelled,stomping my foot on the ground,causing to freeze the floor,and the same 10 elves from last time.
"Sorry guys"I said to the elves, an elf gave me a dirty look and said 'twice' holding 2 fingers.
"Elsa your here!"North
"Yeah today is Valentine's Day,and you call me up here.So skip to the point"Elsa
"Pitch and Tempest were here at the pole...and they weren't alone "North
"Really? I thought tempest had enough already!"Elsa
"They were here...well pitch's sand was"North
"Um..."North was cut off by Man In Moon,moon light filled the room,a stand with the book of ,Legends and Spirits, rises out from under neath the floor.The book flipped open to a blank page,words appeared ' A new force of evil is under way,May only 4 seasons rise this day '
"Pitch and Tempest were here and the got help,but what does he mean by 4 seasons ?"Elsa
"He is choosing more guardians"North
"The last thing I need today"I mumbled
"Now you know how I felt"Bunny
"Shut it Cotton Tail"

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