Chapter 6 (because I could think of a clever title)

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Jack POV
"Laddies First"I held the door open for Elsa
"Oh Shut Up"She lightly punched my arm
------15 minutes later,the entrance door of globe room-----
"You ready to explain...well um you know"I had my hand on her shoulder
"As ready as I'll ever be"Elsa had put her bow over her shoulder,playing with ring I gave her.I gave her reassuring smile and opened the door...To see ' The great war of Vikings V.S Dragons ' , Rapunzel and Anna trying to tame red head's hair,while Flynn and Kristof were arm wrestling.While The Guardians were joining in on what the others are doing...
"TOOTHLESS!!you know that doesn't wash out..."Hiccup was attempting to get the dragon slobber off
"*dragon laughing*"Toothless was doing some kind of dragon laugh,Hiccup flicked some of the slobber on toothless
"I don't remember taking any dragon does this work"Tooth stuck her head in Toothless mouth
"TOOTH DON'T DO THAT"Bunny pulled Tooth away from Toothless
"*growls*"Toothless growled at Bunny,Bunny wrapped his arms around Tooth
"I know what ye thinking dragon,ye thinking what a fairy tastes like"Bunny scolded Toothless.While the girls were...
"STOP TRYING TO BRUSH MEH HAIR!!"Merida was running away from Rapunzel and Anna
"Sandy Help Us Out"Anna motioned to Sandy.Sandy rolled his eyes and shot Merida with his dream sand,and went back to drinking his eggnog.
"What...night night"Merida fell flat on her face when the dream sand hit her
"Sweet!!We got her!"Rapunzel high-fived Anna.While Flynn,Kristof,and North were....
"Yes!! Take that!!"Flynn shot up from his seat in victory
"Wha?!?"North starred at his hand in shock
"HaHa..."Flynn started running around in circles
"Aw that's cute you keep pictures of you and Anna,and a reindeer,and..Rock trolls in your wallet?!"Flynn was looking at the pictures in Kristof's wallet
"Give that back..."Kristof waved his hand,growing a vine that took the wallet out of Flynn's hands.Then wrapped itself around Flynn's ankle and threw him out the window.
"Your on the Naughty List"North pointed the hand that had the word ' Naughty ' on it,at Flynn and Kristof
"In my past life I was a thief...kinda used to it"Flynn ran back in covered in snow
"Aw I wanted a new sled..."Kristof whined innocently,and put his wallet away
"Do you think they even noticed that we're here yet?"I whispered over my shoulder to Elsa
"Yep...Look"She pointed to everyone,that are now staring at us wide eyed...well except Merida that is still asleep but now her hair is in a braid with flowers braided in
"Elsa!Jack! Nice of you to join the party"North greeted us
"Elsa!"Rapunzel and Anna tackled Elsa,I jumped out of the way.
"Jack Frost Don't Just Stand There Help Me!!"Elsa yelled from inside the dog pile
"Nope"I crossed my arms and watched,trying not to laugh
"I'll Get you...ah guys can't breath"Elsa struggled in attempt to escape the dog pile
"Who's Elsa Again?"Hiccup walked up behind me,followed by Flynn and Kristof
"Oh yeah You and Merida are the only one's that don't know..."I said
"That don't know what?"Hiccup asked me while he was petting toothless
"Elsa you might want to tell him.."I looked down at the dog pile
"I would if I wasn't tapped right now.."Elsa yelled at me
"You can tell him down here..."Rapunzel said still hugging Elsa
"What ever...Hiccup you know me as Cupid,but my real name is Elsa as in The former Queen of Arendelle or...The Ice Queen"Elsa mumbled the last part
"Cool."Hiccup took it well
"I know I know...wait what ?!"Elsa looked up at Hiccup completely confused
"I said Cool,just watch out for Merida when she's angry and for Toothless when he has a cold"Right as Hiccup said Toothless sneezed and shot a plasma ball,that set an elf on fire.Who was now helplessly running around in circles.Everyone bursted out laughing.
"What the....OI!!! WHO BRAIDED MEH HAIR AND PUT FLOWERS IN IT?!!!!?!!!"Merida woke up,and held the end of her braid in anger.
"Right"Anna and Rapunzel booked it towards the door...
"Oof."Rapunzel tripped over some of her own hair and quickly got back up,chasing after Anna.
"Oi Take THAT!!!"Merida set part of Rapunzel's hair on fire
"AHHH NOT MY HAIR"Rapunzel started running in circles with the burning elf....I couldn't hold it in any more
"hahahahahahahahahhahah"I bursted out laughing,rolling on the floor.
"Jack would ya stop laughing,and help me out before the girls burn down the North Pole?"I blankly stared at her for a few seconds and bursted out laughing
"For a immortal that is over 300 years old,you sure are irresponsible....Oh well"Elsa sighed in defeat and turned her back,to face the panicking immortals...In a split second,Elsa pulled her bow and shot 3 ice arrows at the same time.One for Rapunzel's hair,One to give Merida a time out,and the last one for what is now an elf-sickle...I saw Anna try to sneak away
"Not so fast Anna"Elsa whipped her head around and froze Anna's feet to the floor.
"Dang it...I was so close to getting away"Anna pouted and crossed her arms.Every one broke out laughing,but there was a low rumbling that soon turned into the entire ground shaking..........
I feel like,I'm about to know why Manny called us here...

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