How it all started

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"Hi I'm Jenna Ortega and this is ." Jenna says pointing at Emma

"Hey I'm Emma Myers and we both play In Wednesday I play as Enid Sinclair and she plays Wednesday Addams ." Emma says looking at the camera

"So we came on here to talk about us and the show so yea and as some may know Emma is living with me for a few weeks till her house gets fixed it had a bad flood ." Jenna says smiling at Emma

"Oh yea it's horrible I may have to get a new floor ." Emma says sighing

"Well let's get on to the question now shall we ." Jenna says grabbing a hat of questions

"Oo let me pick first ." Emma says picking one from the hat

"All right read it ." Jenna says laughing

"What's so funny ." Emma says looking confused

"I don't know just read it ." Jenna says covering her mouth

"Ok then anyway it says "do you ship Wednesday and Enid aka wenclair ." Emma says laughing

"Damn umm well we are just friends but on set it wouldn't be a horrible thing to see what do you say emma ?" Jenna says smiling

"Well ofc I love the idea but of show definitely not ." Emma says laughing

"I agree for sure it would just ruin are friendship if like we broke up and I don't even like you like that no offense ." Jenna says grabbing a new question

"I'm worried for this one, it's probably worse then the last ." Emma says laughing

"It says "Wednesday is secretly in love with Xavier agree or disagree ? " hell no definitely not ." Jenna says rolling her eyes

"Im saying no because they have like no cemetery together at all and I don't see it working out ." Emma says smiling

After a few more questions they end the QnA and head to back stage

"We'll wanna grab something to eat I'm so hungry ." Emma says putting her phone in her back pocket

"Yea sure I'm pretty hungry to then let's head to my place ." Jenna says getting her jacket

"Alright then let's go ." Emma says opening the door for Jenna

"Thanks so kind of you ." Jenna says smiling at Emma

After a few minutes of driving they get to the restaurant

"Can't wait to eat I'm starving ." Emma says getting out the car

"I know I'm starving to ." Jenna says getting it the car and opening the restaurant door

They sit down then a waiter comes to their table

"My names Sarah and I'll be your server for today what drinks can I start y'all with today ." Sarah says getting her pen

"I'll have coke ." Jenna says looking at the menu

"And for you miss ." Sarah says looking at Emma

"I'll have sprite please ." Emma says smiling and looking at the menu

"Ok I'll be right out with those soon ." Sarah says going to the back

"So many good stuff I don't know what to get ." Emna says looking at the menu

"I think I'm going to get fish ." Jenna says closing the menu

"Oo nice I'm going to get chicken wings ." Emma says

The waiter comes back with the drinks

"Alright here's y'all's drinks and are we ready to order yet ?" Sarah says putting the drinks on the table

"Yes we are I'll have the fish and chips please ." Jenna says giving the menu to Sarah

"And I'll have barbecue wings with fries please and thanks ." Emma says giving the menu to Sarah

"Alright I'll put that in and it should be out soon ." Sarah says leaving to put the order in

A few minutes go by and there food comes

"Here you go ladies ." Sarah says giving them there food

"Thanks looks so good ." Jenna says cutting her food up

"Yes looks amazing ." Emma says trying a fry

"Well I'm glad I'll be back over in a few to check on y'all until then enjoy ." Sarah says leaving the table

"So good right ." Emma says eating

"Yes the fish is amazing ." Jenna says eating

The girls eat then the waiter comes back with the bill

"Here you go ladies I hope you loved the food and have an amazing night ." Sarah says leaving the bill on the table

"Thanks ." Jenna say's getting up to pay

"I can pay if you want me to I don't mind ." Emma says smiling at Jenna

"No it's ok it will be my treat besides you don't have much money right now ." Jenna says smiling

"Ok thanks so much it means a lot ." Emma says walking up to the cashier

They pay then head to the car to leave to Jennas house

"Wanna het Ice cream for dessert ." Jenna says looking at Emma

"Sure we can ." Emma says putting her seatbelt on

They drive to the ice cream place and go through the drive through to order

"Hey what can I get y'all today ." The worker says

"What do you want Emma ?" Jenna says looking at Emma

"I'll just have vanilla ice cream in a cake cone ." Emma says looking at the menu

"Can I get one chocolate and one vanilla in a cake cone please ." Jenna says ordering

"Will that be all ?" The worker says talking

"Yes that will ." Jenna says getting her wallet out

"Alright that will be 4 dollars ." The worker says talking

They pay then get there ice cream and leave

"Let's play Taylor swift ." Emma says grabbing her phone

"Ok bet I love her so much ." Jenna says putting on Taylor swift

"Oo promises I love this one 🎶WHAT ABOUT YOUR PROMISES, PROMISES🎶 " Emma says singing



They sing Taylor songs all the way back to Jenna's house

"I'm so tired now ." Emma says taking her shoes off

"Same well I'm going to take a bath you can to if you want in the guest bedroom it's on your left upstairs ." Jenna says going to her room

"Ok thanks so much again ." Emma says going upstairs to the guest bedroom

The girls both take a bath then head to bed

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