The new beginning

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The girls watch tv for a little then after that they decide to go out for lunch

"Where should we go eat ." Emma says smiling

"I was thinking Olive Garden ." Jenna says smiling

"Ok sounds good ." Emma says smiling

The girls get to Olive Garden and sit down

"I'm probably gonna get spaghetti ." Jenna says looking at the menu

"Oo yum I'm gonna get that to ." Emma says looking at the menu

The waiter comes

"Alright ladies here's your drinks and are you ready to order ." The waiter says

"Yes we are we will both have spaghetti ." Jenna says handing the menus to the waiter

"Ok I'll go put that in it should be out soon ." The waiter says

The waiter puts there orders in then after a little the food comes out

"Here you go ." The waitress says putting there food on the table

"Thanks ." Emma says smiling

"Looks so good ." Jenna says smelling it

"Yes it does ." Emma says smiling

"So after this I guess we go home and get all the baby stuff to return it ." Jenna says sighing

"We should keep it ." Emma says smiling

"Why we have no kid ." Jenna says confused

"You never know what the future holds ." Emma says smiling

"I didn't want a kid in the first place so if you think I'm going to have any your wrong at least not for 7 plus years ." Jenna says eating

"Still your gonna have some one day ." Emma says smiling

"I guess so I just don't want to see any baby stuff right now ." Jenna says sighing

"It will all be in her room so as long as you don't go in there you'll be good ." Emma says eating

"Ok fine I guess we can keep the stuff ." Jenna says sighing

"Yay I'll make sure you don't see any baby stuff I promise ." Emma says smiling

The girls eat and pay then leave to go back home

"I'm gonna take a nap you can join if you want ." Emma says smiling

"I don't know I might ." Jenna says sighing

"Ok I'll be upstairs ." Emma says walking upstairs

Jenna calls Percy

"Umm hello ." Percy says confused

"Oh um I was just wondering if you got my voicemail ." Jenna says on the phone

"No I've been in jail but my mom got me out last night ." Percy says on the phone

"Oh right ." Jenna says on the phone

"Well how's the baby ." Percy says on the phone

Jenna starts crying "well I lost the baby actually so yea ." Jenna says on the phone

"Oh I'm sorry ." Percy says on the phone

"It's whatever but I better go now ." Jenna says on the phone

"Ok bye ." Percy says on the phone

"Bye ." Jenna says hanging up

A few minutes go by and someone knocks on the door

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