The big day

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8 months later

"Wow i can't believe I'm getting married today ." Emma says smiling at her mom

"I know my little girl has grown so much ." Emma's mom says crying

"Mom don't cry your gonna make me cry ." Emma says trying not to cry

"Ok fine I won't cry ." Emma's mom says

With Jenna and her mom

"You look gorgeous sweetheart ." Jennas mom says

"Thanks mom I'm super excited ." Jenna says smiling

"Well you better get out there ." Jennas mom says

Jenna walks down the aisle and so does Emma

"Jenna do you take Emma to be your wife ." The officiant says

"I do ." Jenna says smiling

"And Emma do you take Jenna to be your wife ." The officiant says

"I do ." Emma says smiling

"You may now kiss the bride ." The officiant says

They kiss for a bit then run down the aisle smiling

After a fun night they go back to there place

"Wow we are officially married now ." Emma says smiling

"Yea isn't it crazy ." Jenna says smiling

"It's been a long night we should head to bed ." Emma says yawning

"Yea we should ." Jenna says getting up

"Well kids that how I met your mother ." Jenna says smiling

"Wow tell us more ." Annabella says giggling

"That's pretty much it other then after a few months I had you Annabella then after i had you I decided to try for baby number two and I had Jackson ." Jenna says smiling

Emma wakes in

"What are we talking about ." Emma says smiling

"Just how I met you and all the crazy stuff that happened ." Jenna says smiling

"It definitely is one crazy story to tell ." Emma says laughing

"Definitely is mommy ." Annabelle says giggling

"Well kids it's nap time ." Emma says picking up toys

"Why I'm not tired ." Jackson says throwing toys

"Hey you don't throw toys ." Jenna says slapping Jackson's hand

"Fine I guess I'll go take a nap ." Jackson says mad

Emma puts the kids down for a nap and they fall asleep

"I was thinking my mom could watch the kids tonight and we could have some alone time ." Jenna says winking

"That would be nice ." Emma says holding Emma's hands

"Yea like old times ." Jenna says smiling

A few hours go by the kids go to there grandmas house and Jenna and Emma watch tv

"So I was thinking we could rewatch the last of us ." Emma says grabbing the remote

"Yes i can't wait for season two ." Jenna says smiling

The girls watch all of season one of the last of us the realize it's really late and go get the kids

"Sorry how long we took ." Jenna says smiling

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