Not everyone stays

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Emma gets in her car to head to a photo shoot

Jenna calls Emma

"Oh hey babe ." Emma says on the phone

"I'm just wondering when you'll be home ." Jenna says on the phone

"Oh I'll be home in about two hours or so ." Emma says on the phone

"Ok see you then ." Jenna says on the phone

"Bye love you ." Emma says on the phone

"Bye ." Jenna says hanging up

Emma goes to the shoot and the after goes back home

"Babe I'm home ." Emma says taking her shoes off

"Hey ." Jenna says kissing Emma

"So I was listening to the new and they finally got Percy in jail ." Emma says smiling

"Oh that's good ." Jenna says sighing

"Well let's get your mind off that ." Emma says kissing Jenna

"I just wanna lay down if that's ok ." Jenna says kissing Emma

"Yea that's ok ." Emma says sitting on the couch

"Well I'm gonna lay down you can come if you want ." Jenna says kissing Emma

"Ok I will ." Emma says smiling

"oww ." Jenna says in pain

"Are you ok babe ." Emma says holding Jenna's hand

Jennas water breaks

"Oh god we need to get me to a doctor ASAP ." Jenna says crying

"Ok come ." Emma says picking up Jenna

The girls rush to the hospital when they get there they go into a delivery room

"Alright miss looks like your gonna have to deliver this baby ." The doctor says

"But she's only sixteen weeks ." Emma says scared

"She has to or she could die ." The doctor says

"What about the baby ." Jenna says crying

"Unfortunately I don't think the baby will be ok I'm really sorry miss ." The doctor says

"So there's a chance it will be ok ." Emma says holding Jenna's hand

"Yes buts a very low one ." The doctors says

After awhile Jenna finally starts pushing

"Oh shit this hurts like hell ." Jenna says pushing

After some pushing she delivers the baby

"We are going to take your baby to the Nicu as she will need to stay there awhile ." The doctor says

"Ok ." Jenna says breathing fast

Emma kisses Jenna "who knew someone could be this hot after giving birth to a child ." Emma says smiling

"Don't be silly I look a mess right now ." Jenna says looking at Emma

"A hot mess ." Emma says winking

After awhile the doctor comes back

"Miss we are sorry to say the baby didn't make it but you can hold her for a few minutes ." The doctor says

"Oh ok thanks ." Jenna says crying

The doctor let's Jenna hold the baby

"Oh my gosh let me take a picture ." Emma says getting her phone out

Emma takes a picture

"There now when we get home I'll print it out ." Emma says smiling

"Let me see the picture ." Jenna says wiping her face

"Here look ."  Emma says showing Jenna

"Wow she's gorgeous ." Jenna says smiling

"So miss your going to have to stay overnight but in the morning you may go ." The doctor says

"Ok thanks for everything ." Jenna says smiling

After a few hours the girls go to sleep then after a good sleep they get ready to go

"Alright looks like your free to go ." The doctor says

"Thanks for everything ." Jenna says smiling

"Ofc I try my very hardest ." The doctor says

The girls head home

"Finally home ." Emma says laying on the couch

"I'm gonna go lay down I'll be upstairs ." Jenna says fake smiling

"Ok I'll be down here ." Emma says smiling

Jenna lays in bed crying and calls Percy but he doesn't pick up

She send a voice Mail saying "hey Percy i thought I'd just let you know the baby is a girl very gorgeous but um she didn't make it I felt you should know because she's your baby to but you probably don't care well bye now ." Jenna says in a voice Mail

Jenna cries for days and stays in her room all day till she finally comes out

"Finally your out it's been 3 days ." Emma says hugging Jenna

"Get off me please ." Jenna says looking down

"Oh sorry well I made your favorite soup if your hungry ." Emma says smiling

"No I'm good but thanks ." Jenna says looking down

"Babe I know your not ok but is there anything I can do to help ." Emma says smiling

"Look Emma I hate to do this but I need space right now ." Jenna says looking at Emma

"You stay in your room isn't that enough ." Emma says confused

"Ok listen I hate to do this but I'm giving you three weeks to move out ." Jenna says looking down

"What- why.. ." Emma says confused

"I think it's best I'm not in a relationship right now and if we broke up and you stay here it's to weird ." Jenna says walking away

"Oh ok got it ." Emma says crying

After a few Jenna comes down but sees Emma is gone and left a note

The note "so um I left like you said but not gonna say where I'll be back soon to get my stuff until then you won't see me ." Emma says

"Shit I have to call her ." Jenna says calling Emma

"Um yes ?" Emma says on the phone

"Did I tell you to leave ." Jenna says on the phone

"Yea so I did ." Emma says on the phone

"I don't care get your ass back home we aren't breaking up I thought about what you said and I've decided to stop staying in my room 24/7 ." Jenna says on the phone

"Really ." Emma says opening the front door and running to Jenna

"Umm you was outside ." Jenna says confused

"Yes I was ." Emma says kissing Jenna

"Look I'm sorry ." Jenna says smiling

"Don't be we all go through hard times in life ." Emma says kissing Jenna

"You really are the best person ever without you I wouldn't be here your literally my night and shining armor in a girl form I don't know what I'd do without you ." Jenna says hugging Emma

"Aww so are you ." Emma says kissing Jenna

"Let's go watch tv ." Jenna says smiling

"Ok anything you want ." Emma says walking to the couch

"Let's watch the Kardashians ." Jenna says putting it on

"Bet I love them ." Emma says smiling

The girls watch tv for a little then after that they decide to go out for lunch

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