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"So you're saying you never intend to find me?"

"Maybe it was just an accident.. But I'm glad I found you."

he lightly chuckled in the cold breezing air passing through them as he drives the bike in a normal speed.

It was midnight, no one was seen in the streets walking by and different vehicles pass by rarely. Y/n's idea was perfect and Haru couldn't disagree at it.  He wasn't also the smart one to create plans before taking action so he couldn't care less, he's really stupid when it comes to critical thinking.

But aside from that, he's smart at fighting and escaping. That is why, she kept him.

Is that the only reason she got why she chose to keep him?

"We're here!"

Was that the only important thing?

"Let's get into it."

Was it all just about the favor?


"Their all asleep I think?"
Y/n sneaked to the kitchen while Haru follows her from behind.
"Are they all brothers?"

He whispered. She looked back at him and whispered back while they're crouching near an open door beside them.

"Yeah that's why they live in the same house.."

he took out a revolver from his pocket and handed it to her.

"What? I thought your the one who's gonna shoot them in the head?"

"No. I'll create arson this time. You go ahead and finish those guys."

he smiled making the invisible weight on y/n's back dissapear gradually. she slowly move her sweating hands to the revolver, ready to grab it when suddenly his other hand resting on the floor clasped hers.

"E-eh? Haru?"

he squeezed his hand to her small hands then caressed the top of it with his thumb. the sweat on her hands slowly transferred to his that it made both their cold hands warm.
"You know.. I never got your name."

a smirk slowly appeared in the corner of his scar.

"That's it?"
she chuckled, rolling her eyes. he slowly let go of her hand and placed it on the cold carpet floor, it never felt more colder than before after he let go of her. Her touch made him comfortably warm inside, it made him ignore the cold air sorrounding them.

she grabs the revolver from his hand while he got distracted and she smiled after.


he gave her a big wide smile, but it wasn't creepy at all. It was  somehow comforting for her.

"What a beautiful name."
he stood up and walked his way silently to the front door, leaving herself now to finally make her sweet revenge.

"Time to die assholes."


Five gun shots was heard in the city but no one heard it but Haru. After that she ran away from the room, carrying the bloody revolver on her hand; also filled with blood.

she ran towards the front door to see his assistant waiting for her.  she reached outside, embracing the cold wind in the empty dark streets. she took a deep breath, she threw the revolver to the ground and laughed menacingly. haru only smirked at her, gazing at her happy soul.

"Time to light this up."

he lit up a lighter and threw it inside the house. After a few minutes, the fire grew fast, swallowing the wooden door and the walls in its sorroundings.

"Let's get the hell outta here."

haru picked up the revolver on the ground and signalled her to go to the bike.

she nodded and went quickly to the bike parked beside the house they burned down.


"So.. Why did you really want them to get killed?"

it took y/n a minute before she could answer his question.
"Oh.. Right. They... Those people..  Killed my family." She said while her voice was shaking.

"But.. Now that they're gone I can finally sleep well.. I can finally live in peace and never have to think about anything bad. It's all thanks to you. Thank you for agreeing to kill them by myself. Thank you for helping me Haruchiyo."

he stayed silent, listening to her words. It made him feel happy to hear that he was a great help to her.

"You saved me from the darkness."
she tightly hugs him while he drives the bike. When she did that, he slowed down and smiled genuinely while feeling the warm embrace on his back. The true hug he wanted to feel without forcing her to do it anymore.

At that moment, he felt appreciated and loved by someone he met randomly.

'I love you.. Y/n.'


So this is it. Y/n stood on the side of the dim rocky road while watching Haru park the bike next to her. The night was quite and peaceful, only crickets can be heard in the serene environment.

What is this feeling?

he took a deep breath and exhaled it heavily. he glanced at the woman staring at him with a hint of sadness in her orbs.

"Thank you."

"Hmm? What for?"

"For helping me escape. I would've got killed there if it wasn't for you y/n."

he smiled again, staring deep into her (e/c) eyes shining under the moonlight.


she chuckled, continuing to admire his pink-mullet hair dancing gracefully in the gentle wind.

It was done. His purpose is finished. The favor is fulfilled. He can finally leave and continue living his life as the killer that everyone feared.

But, something grew inside of him. A part of him wants to live a normal life again, like everyone else does, like she is right now.

Why now?

It's too late to wish for something like that after what he become. He will never go back to what he used to be anymore after all he did.

But why?

Because, a part of him did not want to leave. He wanted to stay forever wrapped around in her arms. But something was also stopping him from doing so.

A killer is not safe to be with. It was a bad choice to keep someone like him. And a killer like him, should not be affected by feelings and emotions as to result of danger. But he felt love.

And in the end, he had to leave too.

Some people fall in love, but some are not meant to be together.

"I guess this is a goodbye."

she brushes her hair to her ear and smiled. A tear slowly fell on her cheek but she still tried to maintain herself expressionless even though water is brimming up in her eyes.

"So there was really a reason why I suddenly met you y/n.. It wasn't about the favor or the purpose you gave me. You.. Made me feel love while all my life I only saw nothing but violence, hatred and cruelty. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me feel this deep feeling that I haven't felt for a very long time... Thank you for keeping me. Thank you for everything.

I love you. Y/n"

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