chapter twenty seven

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after two years, their life was perfect

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after two years, their life was perfect. Sunoo's life was finally perfect.

His mother survived because Sunghoon who gave him the money for the operation, she is living a normal and happy life at her house.

Jiwoo, Sunghoon's sister often goes at her and calls her grandma, which melts her heart.
His mother is happy for her son and loves him. The same with Sunghoon's parents.

Now, they lived a happy life. Could Sunoo ask for more? His bestfriends were now with their crushes, and the others were happy too.

Yeonjun is still bickering with Kai, something which will never end. Soobin tries to separate them from fights, Taehyun and Beomgyu are still happy together and Sunoo often goes out with them, and Riki, he finally accepted the fact that Sunoo doesn't want to be with him.

"Babe, pleaseee!" Sunoo whined and gave him a puppy look, so he'll convince the older to buy him mint choco ice cream.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, and gave him the money, making Sunoo kiss him on the cheek. "Thank youu!" He cutely ran to the ice cream car and ran back with two ice creams.

"One for you, and one for me!" He handed Sunghoon his ice cream, making the older laugh.

"So? What should we do now?" He asked and Sunoo looked around. "Should we leave the park?"

They were in the park were everything happened. Yeah, it was discovered by people and it wasn't much changed.


They went walking wherever Sunoo wanted, so they just ended walking around, buying things, went to cinema and more.

Sunoo should take advantage of Sunghoon's day off, because he's busy everyday. Problems of being a CEO.

Sunoo noticed how Sunghoon was tired, so they finally stopped walking. "Are you tired? Let's go home if so. . ."

Sunghoon shook his head. "No, love, I'm totally fine." He warmly smiled at him and made Sunoo frown. "You're lying."

Sunghoon shook his head again. Sunoo rolled his eyes, getting his arm. "Let's go."

Sunghoon cocked his hesd to the side, being confused. "Where?"

Sunoo continued walking, so Sunghoon just shutted up. After they arrived at their car, Sunghoon was really confused now. "Where are we going?"

"Home, where else?" Sunoo said.

"But, you wanted to have fun today!" Sunghoon sighed.

Sunoo chuckled. "We had, but now you're tired, so let's just go home."

Sunghoon wanted to say something, but Sunoo made him shut up with a kiss. He kissed Sunoo back, sliding his hands on his waist.

The younger stopped, and pulled back. "We're going home, yeah?"

Sunghoon nodded slowly. "Yeah. . ."

He opened the car, and Sunoo got in, waiting for Sunghoon to do so too. He grabbed his phone from his pocket. "Should we take Jiwoo with us, or let her stay with mom?"

Sunghoon shrugged. "Let's see what she wants. Call your mother."

Sunoo dialed his mother's number, and she answered pretty fast. In the line were heard laughs and they knew that was Jiwoo.

"Hi mom! What are you doing?" He asked, and his mom chuckled. "I'm making cupcakes with Jiwoo."

Sunoo smiled, and so did Sunghoon. "Why don't you two come?" His mom asked, and Sunoo averted his gaze back to Sunghoon who nodded. "Okay, we're coming!"

Jiwoo was heard screaming and that's when Sunoo's mom sighed. "Wait, she's full of flour again!"

Sunoo laughed and hanged up, as Sunghoon started the car. They were pretty silent.

The two boys reached Sunoo's mother house and entered, seeing the two girls do sweets there. Jiwoo looked back and saw Sunoo, so she started running.

"Sunoo oppa!" She hugged him, making Sunghoon roll his eyes. "You forgot about me?" He asked.

Jiwoo sticked out her tongue. "Sunoo oppa, do you want to taste the cupcakes?" She asked in a cute voice, making Sunoo chuckle and nod.

She held his hand, and went in the kitchen where his mom was cooking. "Hi mom!" Sunoo greeted, and his mother turned around, going to hug him.

Sunghoon entered in the kitchen too, so Sunoo's mom went to hug him too. "How are you?" She asked and Sunghoon smiled. "I am okay! How about you ma'am?"

Sunoo's mom, Ha-Yoon smiled. "Good too. Your sister is such an angel."

Sunghoon laughed and looked at her. "Really?"

Ha-Yoon nodded and told him to sit down with Sunoo and eat some sweets made by her and his sister too.

He sat next to Sunoo and got one cupcake, tasting really good. "So? How is it?" Jiwoo asked Sunoo. "Really good, you're so talented!"

Jiwoo smiled and got a cupcake too, staying between him and Ha-Yoon.

They stayed there for about two or three hours, and took their leave. Jiwoo wanted to stay there and got permission from Sunghoon's mother.

Once they arrived home, in Sunghoon mansion, the older immediately plopped on the couch.
"See? You were tired!" Sunoo scolded him. Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "I am not!"

Sunoo raised his eyebrows. "For sure."

Sunghoon smirked, as Sunoo got in the kitchen. He has a little plan.

He tip-toed until he saw Sunoo drinking water, and went to him, sliding his hands on Sunoo's small waist, making Sunoo choke out of fear because he knew Sunghoon was on the couch and now he was literally behind him.

"Yah! Don't do that!" He turned around, only to see Sunghoon's face some meters away from his.

The older smiled, and kissed the younger, who brought his hands on his shoulders, kissing him back.

"I love you," Sunghoon whispered.

"I love you more." Sunoo chuckled, and gave him a peck on his lips again.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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