New Friends

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Musutafu's Hero Festival, Monday, March 5th, Age 772/2007, 9:38 a.m.

Among the large crowd that attended the carnival, the daughter of the Number #3 Hero was enjoying her time in companion with her best friends. She was a pale-skinned young teen of slim yet athletic figure, standing at the height of 5'2''. Her hair was straight black and had low pigtails that reached her chest, wrapped with gold hair clips. The girl was dressed up in a white T-shirt, black spandex shorts, and yellow shoes alongside dark fingerless gloves.

The second girl was, despite being the youngest of the group, of the same height and similar figure as her. With shoulder-length brown hair - matching the color of her large round eyes - which sports two long locks beside her face and a short bob at the back and a pink perpetual blush on her cheeks, she was wearing a pink T-shirt, blue shorts, and light-pink shoes.

The third was a blonde girl with sky-blue eyes and a lined green tube top and blue jeans, slightly a few inches taller than the other two.

The fourth was rather a tall muscular blonde male with brown eyes wearing a purple sleeveless t-shirt and blue shorts, alongside a green baseball hat on top of his head.

"This place is so much fun!" Exclaimed the brown-haired girl.

"I thought you'd think so. That's why I brought you," said the dark-haired girl next to her, taking a sip of her drink. "Glad you all liked it."

"Like it? I love it!" The blonde female answered joyfully. "Can you believe it! All the activities and the games they have, all the delicious food they serve, and all the HEROES that joined the festival! Maybe some of them could give advices on how to properly use my Quirk to win a seat in U.A.'s hero course."

"In that case, you've got to ask Engenium. He's the one who has better experience with speed quirks," spoke the blonde male, before letting out a sigh. "Mine on the other hand isn' t similar to anyone. I mean, sure there's my baseball hero Yamcha. He could shoot laser beams from his hands. But as far as I know, he can't shoot it from his eyes."

"How about X-Less," the black-haired girl spoke, her tone almost sounding bored. "Rings any bells in your mind?"

The muscular boy thought for a few moments before he responded with a simple 'no'.

The girl rolled her eyes. Of course he didn't know him. He's not a 'Top Hero' after all. But never mind that. She had a day to enjoy it with her best friends. "Anyhow, thanks again for coming with me, guys. You don't know how much it means to me."

"I'm the one who's supposed to thank you, Videl," replied the brown-haired girl enthusiastically. "You didn't just invite me for this whole super-awesome event, but you also provided us with FIRST-CLASS GOLDEN TICKETS! This is a one-time-in-life chance! Do you think we could finally meet ALL MIGHT IN PERSON!"

"Geez, girl. Calm down."

"S-Sorry." She apologized sheepishly while rubbing the back of her head. "I'm just so excited about the whole thing. This whole thing is a once-in life chance to happen."

"Speaking of which, I believe we must head on to the private party," stated the black-haired girl known as Videl. "Our electrical friend must be waiting for us there."

"Right behind you, Vi," responded the blonde male.

Musutafu's Hero Festival, Convention building, Monday, March 5th, Age 772/2007, 9:43 a.m.

In the meantime, the Lurkers and Wild, Wild, Pussy Cats - alongside Izuku and Gohan - were on their way as well to the convention building, fans greeting them on their path and asking for their signature. When they reached their destination, they went to the backstage's door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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