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chapter eight • ugly betty


Before we went to the restaurant we went back to my hotel room because I wanted to change. Luke insisted that I didn't need to dress up.

He was still in black jeans and a red flannel, so he wasn't really dressed for the occasion. But I still wanted to change, I looked awful.

Everything was so real, it seemed like a dream. I've been texting him for a while, and I developed a crush on him and now we were going on a date.

We got in his rental car and he turned on the radio, to break a bit of the silence. We made small talk as we got to the restaurant. He was much more interesting than I had thought when we talked on the phone.

He talked a lot and was really funny. Of course, I was coming off a bit shy, but it seemed like I could open up and share all my embarrassing secrets with him. He wasn't the least bit offensive.

"We're here," He got out of the car and opened my door, grabbing my hand and leading me into the door of Olive Garden.

The waitress led us to our table and brought us the food we had ordered.
Luke kept talking and asking me a bunch of weird questions. We laughed, being the loudest people in the restaurant.

We got weird looks from the people sitting around us but Luke just made fun of them.

"They're looking because they're jealous." He said, playing with his lip ring. His blue eyes not leaving mine.

"Jealous of what?" I asked, laughing a bit.

He put his hand on top of mine and smiled,"Jealous of how cute we look together."

I giggled, "Or of how cute you look."

"Okay, out of all the girls in here, do you know who's the best looking?" He asked, his accent coming out thick.

I blushed, knowing what he was going to say, "Who?"

"The one on the TV over there," He said, pointing over to the television that was behind me.

I turned around, looking at the image of one of the episodes of Ugly Betty. I laughed. Way too hard, making him laugh along with me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I replied, being stupid.

He giggled. "I was calling the waitress."

Good job Audrey. Way to go. God, I was such an idiot.

As soon as he paid for our dinner, we went to his car. He turned on the radio, grabbing my hand as he drove me back to the hotel.

"Well, this is it yeah?" He asked, turning the radio back down.

"It was fun," I said, getting out of the car.

I smiled and leaned over to kiss his soft cheek. "See you, Luke."

"Bye beautiful," he beamed. His hair was still in place from the concert which amazed me.

I smiled, shutting the door and walking up to the hotel steps. As soon as I opened the door, I heard Luke calling my name I turned around and saw him running up the steps.

"What's wrong?" I asked, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I didn't even kiss you," he gushed.

I rolled my eyes at him, "You are a loser."

"But a loser who gets to kiss you," he smirked.

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