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chapter eleven  • girls rule, boys drool


From: Luke
Calum is so annoying

From: Audrey
awe don't say that calum is adorable !!

From: Luke
I'm adorable, thanks

From: Audrey

From: Luke
:( how's your day?

From: Audrey
it was okay, I just left to go grab some food. how about you babe?

From: Luke
I'm so tired, and our final show is in a couple of days in New York :)

From: Audrey
I know I actually bought tickets! I wanted to surprise you and just show up but idk I couldn't keep it to myself

From: Luke
Why did you buy tickets I would've got some for you :(

From: Audrey
ehh, thanks but no thanks I'd feel bad for the fans it's unfair

From: Luke
It's not unfair you're my girl

From: Luke
Please return the tickets, how much were they?

From: Audrey
I bought two, one for me and Audrey so about $350

From: Luke
Can you return them?? Pls that's so much babe

From: Audrey
not my fault you guys charge so much

From: Luke
Haha true. But next time please just ask me & I'll get you some :)

From: Audrey
I don't like special treatment

From: Luke
But you get special treatment when you're dating the lead singer from a band :-)

From: Audrey
dating?? U never asked me out :/

From: Luke

From: Luke
You're making me nervous

From: Luke
Should I ask over text?

From: Luke
Or is that a bad move?

From: Audrey
Bad written all over it ..

From: Luke
You're always so difficult :-( Do you wanna pick me up from the airport on Monday?

From: Audrey
sure what time

From: Luke
Around 2 PM

From: Audrey
sounds gooood

From: Luke
Okay I'm gonna ask you out on Monday so this weekend I'll try to think of something really good so you better say yes

From: Luke
If you say no I'll cry I'm not joking

From: Audrey
ahh why would I say no to you babes? ;)

From: Luke
Cuz girls rule boys drool especially me

From: Audrey
ok then ....

From: Luke
Haha are you still out?

From: Audrey
yeah it's so hot in the car I had to change into a tank top that I found in the trunk 😭 I look gross now

From: Luke
You're waiting in the car?

From: Luke

From: Audrey
-attachment one image-
yeah waiting for Kennedy. she's getting chipotle

From: Luke
Your body holy shit you're so hot I can't wait to be able to see you, you are far from gross

From: Luke
Look at those melons

From: Audrey

From: Audrey

From: Luke
Your insane

From: Luke
What's chipotle by the way?

From: Audrey
shut up

From: Luke
Is it good

From: Audrey
it's heaven

From: Luke
I've never tried it lol you should take me when I come there!

From: Audrey
how are you living? you haven't tried chipotle wtf is wrong with you. omg all good id be honoured to try chipotle w you

From: Luke
I wanna try a lot of things with you

From: Audrey

From: Luke
Too many things to list babe

From: Audrey

From: Luke
I've gotta go to sleep babe, I'm drained :-(. I'll try to text you tomorrow love.

From: Audrey
awe okay, goodnight baby! sweet dreams

From: Luke
I'll be dreaming about you

From: Luke
Probably dirty things but you can't stop me

From: Audrey
omg ... go rest your eyes I've had enough of you today

From: Luke
Hopefully my dreams become reality ;-)

From: Audrey
You're on a roll today

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