Hidden Tunnel

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You flew over the speckled alges seeing all the different dragons mingle about.

You smiled and angled your wings to hover above them all. "Hey, y/n!" Called a familiar voice, and you turned over to see Stormfly coming flying toward you. You gave her your signature toothless smile and flapped your wings "hey, Stormfly. Is there anything?" You asked.

The deadly Nadder sighed. "It's Hookfang and Luna again. They're fighting over some eggs now" you raised a brow and your eyes "well, let's get to them then. I can't have Shadofang complain again about her son's behavior to me," Stormfly snorted and led you towards the empty hallow surrounded by glowing bug mushrooms.

And indeed, there were the red monster's nightmare and the white light fury, roaring at each other while Luna stood over some eggs about to hatch.

You gave a roar that shook the ground and the fauna around them, stopping them immediately. You landed with Stormfly and glared at them both "what's the meaning of this?" You snarled. Hookfang sneered back while luna dipped her head politely "well, that overgrown lizard said that it was his turn to watch the eggs when it is mine. I'm sorry, y/n if we're bothering you," she said.

You huffed and decided your tail over your paws "it's alright, please find it out. I don't want your mother to complain anymore, Hookfang. This should've been sorted out moons ago. Anywho, I'm going on a patrol. Feel free to... join me when you're done. Stomrfly," you turned to your old freind who nodded, getting your hint, and swapped Hookfang away from Luna and the best.

"Good," you muttered, leaving those troubled dragons for themselves. Little did you know that you would find something strange, but it would change your life forever.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

You were sitting by a river that flowed through the realm and glowed with algae and other things that glowed in the night. Your scales glowed beautifully. Suddenly in the middle of the wash, you hear something... a strange sound. A kind of humming. It made you turn your head around, and your earlobes pricked up. 

What is it? You thought and stood up and sniffed around. Soon enough, humming got louder, and you titled your head (e/c) eyes fixed on a portal of some kind. It reminds you of what you do with your plasma blast, but this surely would be real. 

You pulled your head closer to your ground ears and narrowed your eyes. What is this...? you hummed before reaching out a claw. as your black claw touched the magic, your ears hummed even more. 

Hmm... strange... let's see where this leads, you decided and flicked your ear and stepped into the swirling portal, and everything flashed in color before you turned back, and the world slipped out of your claws, and you woke up to a new world. New smells, fresh scents, and new air currents. 

Everything was new. 

You howled as soon as you felt a headache in the back of your head, and you shook your head to get rid of it. Where am I? this is not the hidden world, neither Berk nor arpeggio. This must be some dream, right? 

You pricked up your ears and squatted down before spreading your wings to look bigger as the creature came closer. When you saw it, you saw how small it was. It was a purple-green dragon. It had no wings, so it was obviously... a different kind of dragon. Maybe a drake? 

You titled your head, flicked your tail, and leaned closer to the strange dragon. Your pupils dilated in curiosity "uh..." was all the dragon could get out, and you jerked back, yowling in fear and pupils slitting. The strange dragon stretched out two claws, his eyes wide too "woah, easy there! I won't hurt you, trust me" you calmed down slightly and tried your voice, having used it only on dragons in your realm...

"wh-who are you?" you said and found your voice again. The dragon smiled efficiently and kindly. "I am Spike. You are in Equestria," he said, and you titled your hea gain "eq... Equestria?" you echoed, and he nodded. "yeah. Come on; I better get you to twilight. She'll know what to do," he said before beckoning you after him as you hesitantly trodded after. 

This world was so strange, just like Hiccup's world, filled with caves called houses. and p... ponies? Yes, ponies, little horses that walked around, some with horns or wings attached to their bodies. 

What are these? You snorted in your mind as you rolled your shoulders and wagged your tail fins. "easy, they won't hurt you unless you hurt them, of course. Here the Twilight should be home by now" Spike clicked and opened a large wooden door which made you tilt your head. "it's okay; you'll fit. Even princess Celista will fit here," he said and beckoned you again to follow him. You did as you were told and soon entered a rather... library. Yes, the library. Hiccup had used that word before, but you never knew it was real. 

"I'll go and fetch her. Wait here," he said and ran off, leaving you alone in the library. 

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