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He stepped in, and tried to put the awkwardness behind him. Lewis slowly let his fingers slip away from the door, so it gently shut, not making a sound.
"Hannah?" He lightly smiled down at her, trying to stay happy.
"Yes.." She mumbled from under the bundle of blonde hair surrounding her face.
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
Hannah's hair jolted up and down to show she was nodding, he smiled, and rushed to the kitchen. Upon his arrival, the sadness rode back into him, he tightly closed his eyes again, trying to just block out everything. He managed to block the shaking out at least, and made the tea without much trouble. Lewis left the kitchen, holding both their cups of steaming hot tea. He sat down on the sofa next to her.
"Here you go hun.." Lewis handed it her, as she sat up, and pushed her hair away from her face. He noticed her eyes were red and blotchy, obviously from crying. She took it without a word, holding it close to her, blowing it gently to cool it.
"W.. Why you upset?" He dared asking, after a few moments. Hannah seemed to ignore it, and just stared down into the drink. It was worst than he thought. "H.. Hannah?" He tried to get an answer, he wanted to support her.
"Why do you think?" Hannah let the cup swiftly fall out her hands, and smash across the wooden floor, pools of tea dribbling everywhere whilst glass scattered across the room. Hannah breathed heavily, and paced out the room, and into the kitchen. Lewis quickly followed, ignoring the mess that she had previously made.
"Hannah.. Baby.. C'mon.." He arrived in the kithen, to her holding herself up on the counter her head in her hands, her hair falling down past her face. "We need to stay strong."
"Don't you know what this is doing to me!?" She yelled back, looking straight at him, and pointing back at herself. "I'm a fucking mess because of you!"
There was a short pause, as she went back leaning against the counter, her head in her hands as she gently wept into them.
"Hannah.. Please." He didn't know what to say, what could he say? She was right.. But this is what he had to do.
"I need you, Lewis Brindley. I need you here in Bristol.. With me.. Simon.. And.. And.." She looked up at him, wiping her eyes. "I need you to give me cuddles at night.. I need to tell me that everything will be OK when I'm sad.. I need you to help me edit.. I need you to kiss me.. I need you to be here when I need you!" She was crying harder than ever, and so was he. He grabbed her hands, trying to stop his tears.
"I'm always here, because I fucking love you." Lewis, pulled her close, and kissed her passionatly, both of their tears coming together and they continued. She held his hands strongly, cuddling into him more than ever. "I will always be here.. No matter, if I die or not.. Because I need you, as much as you need me!" The yelling had turned into gentle whispers, and crys. She let out a final wail, before snuggling into his chest, his arms wrapping around her, cradling her, and lightly shushing her cries for him.

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