Chapter 2

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Harry's pov

"Oh shit-" I said under my breath and bent down to pick up the laptop I had so conveniently dropped.

I looked up to see the whole class and the teacher just staring at me in silence. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"First off, language Mr Styles. And second, why are you late? The class started 15 minutes ago." Mr Johnson spoke sternly.

Okay, so maybe I hadn't said that quietly enough.

"Sorry, there were roadworks so the bus had to take a different route," I mumbled, praying I wasn't going to get detention this early in the morning.

"Please try to be on time next time. Now go sit down. There's a spot next to Mr Tomlinson." I looked around the room for the boy he was talking about. 

My eyes locked with a small boy with his hair styled in a spiky side fringe. He smiled and moved his bag as I walked over and sat in the chair next to him. I gave him a small smile in return.

"Is your laptop okay?" He asked me quietly, laughing a bit. After shrugging, I laid it on the desk and opened it to check.

It was fine. "Thank god- it is. My mum would kill me," I whispered back. 

He grinned and turned back to the front to listen to the teacher.

"Today you will be put in pairs for the assignment I've been telling you about," Mr Johnson said, causing an eruption of groans from the class.

"Alright then. For that, I will be picking your partners." That too earned a lot of unhappy yells.

"Okay. Taylor and Emma, Eleanor and Nick, Brianna and Adam." And so he went on until I heard my name again.

"And lastly, Harry and Louis. Is that everyone?" There was silence.

"Alright, you have a few minutes until class ends, you can get started," he finished. 

I was secretly thanking Mr Johnson and his bald ass head for putting me with Louis. I didn't know him and had never spoken to him, but he seemed nice.

I turned to the very relieved-looking boy next to me.

"I guess we're partners then," I said quietly. "I guess so," he said just as quietly but with a playful smirk as if he were mocking me. 

I raised an eyebrow at him and within seconds he was trying to copy me once again. 

"Wait how do you do that?!" he gasped. 

"Wait you can't do that?" By this point, I was struggling to breathe from laughing so hard at the small boy's attempts and raising one eyebrow.

"No Harry I can't," he spoke firmly. I couldn't help but laugh harder.

"Whatever let's just get on with the work," he scoffed. There was a moment of silence between the two of us.

"Wait Harry?" he quietly asked. I hummed. "What actually is the project thingy? There is a tiny chance I wasn't listening," he mumbled.

After many more minutes of procrastination and excuses, we finally started doing the work and got a fair bit done.

"Alright so, it's due next Wednesday right?" Louis asked while we were packing up our stuff. I nodded. "Well do you wanna come round mine and we can do it this weekend?" 

"Uhm, I'll have to see if I'm doing anything but I'll get back to you on that, it'll probably be a yes though just keep it in mind cause I rarely go anywhere," I replied

He laughed. "Okay, so can I get your number so you can text me about it?" he asked.

I was pretty surprised at that. The Louis Tomlinson, the most popular guy - in the ENTIRE SCHOOL - wanted my number? I was just a quiet gay nerd who had 3 friends. 

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