Chapter 15

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!!Tw- swearing


In all his years of schooling, he never expected to hear those words directed at him. At his friends and sisters, maybe. But at him?

So there he was, sitting at the lunch table, surrounded by all his and Harry's mates, asking how he managed to get suspended by 11 am.

'Like I said, he started it! He only got off easy because he's on the basketball team, and we all know the principal's love for basketball,' Louis rolled his eyes.

'Louis you were really pushing your luck with that guy though, and you're the one who threw the first punch,' Zayn said. Zayn was usually the voice of reason among his friends, so hearing him say that felt like a slap in the face.

Probably one that he deserved though.

'Why did you even do it?' Harry spoke up. He had barely spoken word for all of lunch. Louis hesitated, he hadn't exactly told the entire story, and he wanted it to stay that way.

'Like I said, after what happened last night, he came up to me again today and started saying shit and I just lost it,' he mumbled. 'But what did he say Lou? Something he said set you off. What was so bad that that's how you reacted?' Everyone went quiet, looking at Louis, waiting for an answer. He just looked down and kept picking apart bits of his sandwich.

'What aren't you saying mate?' Zayn added.

Louis looked up at Harry. He still seemed kind of awkward from the kiss, understandably so. He still hadn't gotten the chance to explain what happened.

Louis could feel his face getting hot, and his eyes filling with tears that were close to falling. The last few days had been hell. The last week really. For the first time in his life, he didn't know who he was. He was getting in fights, got himself suspended and he was starting to question his sexuality more than ever.

Everything was too much. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.


'Sorry guys I just remembered I have to go call my mum and let her know I got suspended,' he mumbled. He jumped up and grabbed his bag and made a beeline for the car park. He already had most of his books in either his bag, car or home, because classes were starting to finish for the year.

He ignored the shouts that followed him and continued straight to his car, without looking back.

'Louis please stop!' Harry shouted from nearby. Louis didn't acknowledge him, he just pulled his bag off his shoulder and started searching all his pockets for his keys.


Harry was now right next to him, and he had his hand holding the car door shut so Louis couldn't leave.

'Please just talk to me Louis, what's going on with you?'

Louis gave in. He dropped his back to the ground and leaned his back against his car, head in his hands.

He heard a sigh of relief come from Harry. 'Harry I'm so fucking sorry. For everything.' This seemed to be something Louis was saying a lot recently. He slid one finger under the rubber band he still had on his wrist and gave it a quick flick. 'Everything I thought I knew about myself is changing and I feel like I don't know myself anymore,' he cried.

Harry looked confused, but his expression softened. 'What do you mean?' he asked. Louis lifted his head and looked back at Harry. He somehow always looked so pretty and kind. He was always so understanding.

'I just-' he sniffed. Harry had been through a lot, he deserved to at least know why Louis was acting so weird.

'My whole life, I had just assumed I was straight,' he whispered. He didn't dare look at Harry now. 'I had never doubted it, but then recently, and last night at the party, when I kissed you...' Louis shuddered in fear. A few weeks ago he never would have expected these words to come from his mouth. 'Even though I know it didn't mean anything, I'm still questioning everything. I don't even know why, but I am,' he finished. He remained staring at the crack in the ground, refusing to shift his gaze even an inch.

They stayed in silence for a few moments. Louis was too scared to say or do anything else.

'Oh,' Harry said at last. Shit.

'Okay. I uhm. I didn't exactly think that-'

And that was all it took. Louis quickly lifted Harry's hand off the car door, opened it and jumped in. Without another word, he started the car and took off, leaving a confused and probably at least mildly grossed-out Harry behind.


He shut off the radio and drove home in silence, the only thing disturbing it was his soft cries and intense breathing.

He pulled up to his house and saw his mum's car in the driveway, suddenly remembering that Lottie had come home sick, so his mum was home too. He debated staying in his car, but by now they would've heard him. He sniffed, swung his bag over his shoulder and shut off the engine.

He paused briefly and wiped his eyes, before unlocking the door.

'Hello? Boobear is that you?' he heard his mum call out. He could smell the soup she was making and watched as she walked out to the hallway where Louis stood crying.

'Oh no darling, what's happened? Come here,' she pulled him into a loving embrace. 'I've put some soup on for your sister, would you like me to make you some too?' He nodded and dumped his bag on the floor.

By now Lottie had heard the commotion and had come out to the kitchen. The second she saw Louis' puffy red eyes and stained cheeks, she abandoned her blanket burrito and wrapped her arms around her brother.

Louis cried.

But he couldn't help but smile remembering just how much he loved his family, how kind and caring they were. They hadn't gotten mad when he came home in the middle of the school day, they just hugged and cared for him.

'Lou, sweetheart, what's wrong?'



Whats gonna happen next??? Does Harry ever speak to Louis again after this??? Will this even have a happy ending???

HahAhhHAh i kNoW AnD yOu dOnTtTTtTT!!

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