Chapter 10

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Harry walked into school on Monday looking down with his hands in his pockets. He hadn't spoken to Louis since their argument on Saturday. He had english first period once again.

Harry walked in a few minutes early and sat at his usual seat near the back and opened his book. The next few minutes was spent of Harry sitting alone just drawing in the margin of his book, watching as the class slowly filled up with grumpy and tired teenagers. 

As Mr Johnson was talking attendance, someone walked into the classroom and mumbled a 'Sorry I'm late sir.' Harry didn't bother looking up as the teacher just told the person to go sit down and continued taking attendance. 

A few moments later however, Harry heard the chair next to him scrape against the floor and the person sat down. Harry turned and was confused to see that it was Louis. It took him a moment to remember the stupid seating plan that was set. 

Harry looked back down quickly and started taking notes of what Mr Johnson was saying. He was already telling them about their next assignment. A few times Louis tried to speak to Harry but he wasn't in the mood to deal with that yet. 

Louis seemed to take the hint and went back to his own work for the rest of the lesson. 


That was how the next few days went, Louis tried to speak to Harry once or twice and another time Harry went to talk to Louis but he snapped and said 'Not now Harry.' Now that pissed him off. Yes Louis had some reason to be annoyed with Harry for ignoring him for a few days but that seemed a bit excessive, especially since this was all because Louis yelled at Harry for seemingly no reason. 

Harry stepped back and started to walk away. It seemed that that made Louis brain reset and he jumped up realizing that it was Harry that had come to talk to him. But he had already walked away. Harry went to a hidden spot behind the gym, he had been there a few times. No one knew where it was and there was no cameras. It was perfect for getting away from everyone.

Harry sat down and pulled out his book from his bag and started reading.


'Not now Harry.' Louis snapped. 'Wait Harry?' Louis head snapped up when he processed who was standing in front of him. Harry hadn't spoken a word to him since Louis freakout on Saturday. But it was too late and Harry had already heard enough and walked away. 'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck!' Louis muttered quickly standing up grabbing his things and looking around for the tall curly-haired boy. He was no'where to be seen.

'Fuck I did it again Liam!' he said loudly, causing a few people to go after him. 'I snapped at Harry accidentally because I didn't realize it was him and now he's gone and I have no idea where he went!' Louis said pacing back and forth up the length of the table.

'Okay, okay Louis calm down, go ask his friends where he might be okay? Just relax mate it's gonna be okay.' Liam said kindly, calming Louis down a bit. 

Louis didn't hesitate and jumped up and made a beeline for the table Harry and his friends usually sat at. 

When Louis reached the table Niall and Ed looked up confused as to why Louis was there, Harry hadn't told them what happened but they had picked up the vibe that something happened and Harry didn't want to talk about it.

'Hey uhm do you guys know where Harry went?' he asked.

'Uh, he told us he was going to try sort things out with you?' Niall said confused. He seemed to notice the panicked look on Louis face.

'The fuck did you do man? He's been off all week and hasn't talked to you either from what I've seen. He hasn't told us anything but from what I've seen, you appear to have fucked up. Bad.' he said, his thick irish accent coating every word as he was getting annoyed with Louis.

'I can explain later, I just need to find him. Do you know where he could've gone?' Louis asked. Niall shook his head. Louis turned to look at the other boy at the table.

'He might be behind the gym,' Niall and Louis looked at him confused. 'There's this little hidden spot that he goes sometimes to get away from people. He showed me once when I was upset,' he explained.

'Okay thank you so much,' Louis said. Ed nodded and Niall said 'You better sort this shit out mate or you and I are gonna have a problem yeah?' Louis nodded and turned and made his way towards the gym trying to be as subtle as he could so no one followed but still moving quickly. 

He got out the back of the gym and wandered around for a few minutes looking for the spot Ed was talking about. Louis had never been to this part of the school, not in a long time at least. He couldn't think of any hidden spots Harry could be in. 

It was at that moment he heard a sniff come from behind a few trees.



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