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Adrien was in his bedroom, panting too much from Blanc using his body too long. He can't remember what happened or what Blanc was doing. The rings that contain the kwami magic were now in his hands.

"What? But how?" Adrien was surprised.

"I did it, Adrien. I brought them all back" Cat Blanc said.

Adrien realized something. The rings are somehow connected with the Alliance rings. If Monarch was able to transfer magic with technology, that explains why everyone is wearing the alliance rings but they didn't know it was all a setup.

"Wait a minute, they are connected to these" He took off his alliance ring.

"But of course. Monarch is no more" Cat Blanc said.

"What did you do?" Adrien glared at Blanc in the mirror.

"Gave him a hell of a beating and dethroned him to Hawkmoth" Cat Blanc said.

"It's a man behind a mask!" Adrien yelled.

"I know, but what makes you a monster or a man?" Cat Blanc crossed his arms.

"He's still human but a monster," Adrien said.

"No. A Human is a being that has a heart, a mind, a soul, and self-control. Hawk Moth is barely even human. How many times has he feasted on innocents?" Blanc glared.

"Countless times. 80 on Mr. Pigeon" Adrien said.

"And did he ever regret it? No, he did not. Also, I discovered that he wants the miraculous to bring someone back from the dead, not rule the world" Cat Blanc said.

"By causing chaos? That's just one selfish goal!" Adrien got mad that all this was just for one goal.

"He's insane, my brother. Now if you don't mind, I'm starving for food" Cat Blanc took control of Adrien again and teleports to the kitchen.

He opens the fridge and munched on whatever it has, deep down Adrien just can't handle this anymore due to Blanc's influence on him. He grabbed a chicken leg and bites down on it.

"Adrien?" Nathalie heard him and sneaks up on him.

"HRRRGH!!!" Adrien turns around with a feral look.

"Cat Blanc! Please! You're using him!" Nathalie begged.

"Your Adrien is not here!" Blanc growled and tossed the bone at her but missed.

"Oh god!" She saw him walk on all fours, growling.

"Nathalie?! What's the noise?!" Gabriel comes into the kitchen.

"RRAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!" Cat Blanc aggressively shoved glass cups off the table.

"It's Blanc!" Nathalie screamed.

"That's right!" Blanc screeched and spots a rat. He lunged at it and killed it with his bare hands. He munched on it like a predator hungry for prey, making the adults cringe at the sight.

"HRRRRRGH!!!" He looks up with a bloody face.

"Blanc! Stop this now!" Gabriel demanded.

"Or what?" Blanc threw the dead rat at him.

"I'll send you where you belong!" Gabriel threatened.

"You can try but if you do that, Adrien will die with me" Blanc pounced on him.

"AAGH! Please! I beg you!" Gabriel begged.

"You beg?! In my world, I watched everyone I love getting destroyed by my uncontrollable powers, including the love of my life" Cat Blanc shed an angry tear.

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