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So like my school went into lockdown yesterday and now I'm traumatized 

So I'm at recess and they blow the whistle 5 minutes early now I thought it was kinda weird but I was just like "I'm sure they have there reasons" So I get into my line. But the recess monitors are like "just go inside no lines" and there shouting that so I run inside, nobody knows what's going on at this point so we're in the cafeteria and the classes are all mixed together but I do see one of  my classmates 

I'm not gonna use there real nome so we're going to him David                                                                           I asked David if he knew what was going on which he replied " No" and of course there not telling us what's going on at all until the loud speaker comes on And they tell us we're going into lockdown and telling us to head back to our classes, so I run up the stairs with the other kids still next to David cus I haven't seen anyone else from class and when I get to my room there is No teacher so there no way the door can be locked.

I'm hiding under the teachers desk at this point because (A) I have really bad anxiety and I'm a really bad over thinker and (B) for all they have told us we thought someone was shooting up the building. So I call my mom from my watch because.. like it just seemed like the logical thing to do at the moment. I'm freaking crying so much at that point when a teacher from the other room was like "get tf over here" so we dash across the hallway into another class. The lights are off and when he locks the door and I'm pretty sure I would have had a full on breakdown if one of my friends wasn't hugging me the whole time 

So apparently what happened was an armed robbery at the dollar store a street away from my school               So like What I thought that there was a shooting in the school and that my brother might be dead And nobody even knew about the robbery until my mom told me over texts             Apparently my teacher had been at the dollar store getting snacks for our valentines party😭           I'm just glad no one got hurt 

So he brings us back to our classrooms and lets us just kinda do whatever and I'm still tearing up cus I thought my brother was half scared to death.

Oh but it gets worse 

The principal come in afterward into our classrooms  and has the audacity to tell us "yknow you guys can't have your phones out during class from the time you come in here to the time you leave it's supposed to be in your backpack" it took all I had to not be like "But this wasn't during school it was during an emergency, where we thought was life or death" and they also told the younger grades that that was a drill so my school ain't winning no awards anytime soon.

Anyways I'm still kinda mad about it because they told us nothing and we thought we were going to die and my brother was lead on to believe it was a drill. 

Anyways I don't know if this is actual trauma but this did kinda hurt to write and I think this will have a lasting impression on me so idk 

Either way I think they caught the guy who was stupid enough to rob the dollar store