Chapter 1: In which Im a self- rescuing princess

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story, therefore it won't be the best (plus this is kinda based on a dream I had making it unrealistic lol). Hope you enjoy this story!


Update 3/5/24 : I'm crying this was so bad hopefully it's better now 😭

Btw I used a randomly generated last name hope you don't mind <3


Y/N's POV:

I trudged up the gravel road, willing myself to walk by the thought of food and some well deserved rest. My job had utterly worn me out and all I could think about was falling into my plush bed for the rest of the night. The mission I had just successfully wrapped up was a long one, involving a gang of jewel thieves that had been terrorising the citizens of New York. I work as an agent for the FBI. After enrolling in Martial Arts at the ripe age of 6, I had mastered Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo and Jiu-Jitsu by 15 and had been scouted by the FBI at 19. Spending the past 4 years training and climbing the ranks, I was now ranked one of the top agents in Britain, and not to be cocky, but I'm probably the next James Bond.

After being dropped off a few blocks from my house after my long trip, all I could think about was taking a well deserved break for my aching limbs. I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of rustling behind me and immediately raised my guard as I whipped my head back. Upon noticing that it was just a squirrel, I sighed and slumped my shoulders as I kept walking, not noticing a figure creeping behind me and shoving a chloroform filled handkerchief onto my mouth until it was too late, and felt myself crumple to the ground as my vision went black.


My head was pounding as I registered muffled voices surrounding me. I slowly became more aware of my tied wrists as I thought to myself.

Where was I? My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw were two men sharing hurried whispers as they noticed that I was awake. The first man regained his composure and slowly walked towards me.

"Ah hello, Agent Carter" He greeted, a twisted smile spread across his features. His voice was deep and husky, and he looked young. Around 25-30 was my guess. He had jet black hair and striking hazel eyes, and a large gash running from his nose across his cheek. He was sporting a tight black suit and had a deep German accent. Great, I thought to myself. He's part of that organisation of jewel thieves. They all had one thing in common, that being they all sported golden badges with a dark triangle between a cross.

"Hey asshole. Mind telling me why you kidnapped me?" I spat. I noted a flash of fear crossing his eyes as he realised he failed to intimidate me. They knew who I was, and what I was capable of as well, and they were all afraid, even though they didn't show it.

"You managed to cause us quite a bit of trouble sweetheart. You see, the men you arrested yesterday were important to our organisation, and we would like some information on what you know about us." I cringed at the nickname and made a barfing motion, before replying.

"First of all, ew. Do not call me that, that is actually disgusting. Second, are you really that stupid to think Im just gonna blurt out everything I know about you guys just because you have me tied up like a damsel in distress?" I questioned while I slowly untied the knot tying my wrists together, and smirked as I felt it come loose.

"Sorry, but I'm a self- rescuing princess"

I suddenly stood from my position, lucky for my legs not being tied, and I gave the man the sharp roundhouse kick in the jaw. He looked taken aback and his expression changed to one of anger as he tried to fight back, as the other man tried to attack as well. I dodged the two of them quite easily, sending them both kicks and hitting them with my chair. Soon enough, both of them were completely knocked out and I proceeded to message someone and requested a ride. I switched off my phone and tucked it in my pocket before turning to leave, but halting in my tracks as I noticed a figure standing outside and looking in through the window. I gave no hint that I noticed them as I walked out, planning to catch them by surprise.


Word count: 768 words 

(short chapter, I know, but I promise the next ones will be longer <3)

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