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I have such a beautiful surprise for you all in the chapter, read and you will find out what that is. You will know when you read it. ❤️ ❤️

Baoshan led them to a decent sized cottage next to a beautiful lake. Just to the left, was a large peach blossom forest. Between the lake and the forest was a beautiful pavilion with a table. The three sat there and then began to talk.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions about your family on both your mother and father's sides, but I want to hear about you two first. You said it's a long story," Baoshan said.

Wuxian nodded, "it is a lot to talk about...mostly painful. The one thing I got out of it all was Lan Zhan, and a son but he is no longer with us."

"What happened to your son?" Baoshan asked.

"He was killed...by cultivators," Wuxian answered hesitantly, "I blame myself for it."

Baoshan was now curious on just how much pain her grandson suffered from. She then blinked a couple times and looked at Wangji, "Lan?" She asked, "but you don't have a forehead ribbon."

"I left the sect for him," Wangji said honestly, "it would be easier to show you what happened then to tell as it was so much."

"I have a way," she said, "will you allow me to run dual empathy?"

"What?" Wuxian asked, "I know empathy but dual?"

"I am guessing your paths are linked quite a bit. Since it is so, I can take a hand from each of you and watch your memories play out in order. If they are the same memory, it will be easier to understand."

"So you can see his memory and mine together but as if it was a time line?" Wuxian asked.

Baoshan nodded.

"Okay," Wuxian said.

Wangji and Wuxian sat through several hours worth of empathy. By the time they finished, Baoshan had never hated the sects more that she did at that moment.

"Now you see why I left the sects," she said.

Wuxian nodded, "everything happened because of a path I had no choice to take."

"You could use resentment whether you had a golden core or not," Baoshan said, "it runs in the Wei Bloodline. They can use resentment and not get corrupted by it. They learn to use and understand it more than anyone else ever could. That is where demonic cultivators came from, was your family line from your father."

"I still became a villain to everyone and it caused Lan Zhan and me to lose our son," Wuxian said, "I am told it's not my fault but I can't help but blame myself."

Baoshan was so hurt by how much her grandson had suffered, "I...will be back..you two enjoy your tea, okay."

"Okay," Wuxian nodded. She then disappeared within a puff of green smoke. Wangji and Wuxian looked at each other, "I am okay."

"I know how much you are hurting, you do not have to lie to me," Wangji told him.

"I did not expect to find Baoshan of all people," Wuxian said, "what about you?"

"I'm grateful to have met her. She seemed to have accepted us," he said.

"I wonder if she wants to help us with our new sect. Maybe find a way to hide it like she hid this place. That way we can live in peace. In the meantime we can take out Jin Guangyao when we can," Wuxian said.

"We can ask, but let's just see what happens for now. We just got here this morning," Wangji said.

"We will have to thank Wei Qing for looking after the sect," Wuxian said.

"I know, we should write to her when we can," Wangji said.

Wuxian nodded. Wangji soon pulled Wuxian into a hug. As they were hugging, they heard a sound from behind them, and a laughter rang out to them.

"Baba, A'Die," the voice said.

Wei Wuxian froze as he realized who's voice they just heard, "I'm I hearing things?" Wuxian asked.

"I heard it," Wangji said and pulled away from the hug.

"Baba? A'Die?" The voice said again.

Wangji and Wuxian turned to look and saw their little A'Yuan alive and standing there in front of them. Wuxian dropped to his knees and touched the little boy's face, "are you really here?" He asked.

"I got hurt," A'Yuan said, "nice lady brought me back."

Wuxian looked up at Baoshan, "how?" He asked.

"Once I saw the boy in the memory, I thought of something," she said, "I remember stepping out of the portal one day and saw an aftermath of something bad happening and this little boy was laying dead on the ground. I made a duplicate dummy and took the boy back here. Turns out the arrow just missed his heart and I managed to pull him back into the light. When I saw the boy in your memory, I immediately knew. He was yours."

"A'Yuan," Wuxian said hugging him and began to cry, "our little A'Yuan."

Wangji moved down to hug them both and cried with them. They had their son back, "Thank You, Baoshan, we owe you so much," Wangji said.

"No need, seeing my grandson and my grandson-in-law back together with their son and being a little family again is payment enough. Plus I did get you both," she said, "I of course won't force you to stay and you two are the only ones who know how to get it. I will allow you to visit anytime."

"Thank you so much, Wai Po," Wuxian said not willing to let his son go.

"You're welcome," she said, "I also want to help you both, but we can talk more about that later. I want you three to spend some time together again. You have some time to catch up on."

Baoshan left the three alone for a while so they could spend some quality time together.

"Lan Zhan? If I am dreaming I do not want to wake up," Wuxain said.

"I do not either," he said.

"I missed Baba and A'Die," A'Yuan said, "but I was good with A'Bao. She is so nice. She lets me eat peaches from her garden."

Wuxian giggled, "she is your Zēngzǔmǔ (great maternal Grandmother; Wai Po is maternal Grandmother)."

"Will she let me call her Zuzu?" A'Yuan asked.

"You would have to ask her," Wuxian said and placed a kiss on his forehead, "I love you so much."

"I love Baba too..and I love A'Die," A'Yuan said.

Wangji placed a kiss on A'Yuan's forehead as well, "and I love you."


Baoshan is a miracle worker isn't she ;)

More coming soon

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