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The following day, Baoshan sat down with the boys so they could talk for a while. Wei Qing was all for spending time with A'Yuan while the others talked. Wei Ning spent time with her and A'Yuan, seeing that he could help keep them safe.

"Wai Po....can I call you that or do you prefer me calling you Baoshan?" Wuxian asked.

"You and your husband are both more than welcome to call me Wai Po. It would make me feel so happy to hear it from you both," Baoshan replied.

"Okay," Wuxian said, "so, the reason why we asked to sit and talk is because I have been trying to find answers. I don't know if you have them but I'd still like to ask them."

"Of course," Baoshan said.

"Well, my first question is, do you know the reason for my father leaving Lotus Pier? I always heard that he and Jiang Fengmian had this close brother like friendship but if Lotus Pier was so great, why did he leave around the time he married my mom?" Wuxian asked.

"I have answers," Baoshan said, "your father wanted to leave the moment he met your mother, but he didn't. Jiang Fengmian knew of Wei Changze's true background about demonic cultivation and told him if he didn't want his life exposed, he will stay put. Yu Ziyuan even made threats to my daughter telling her to steer clear from Lotus Pier. That was when your father got furious.

"To secede the sect, he fought both Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian. Cangse ended up helping because it was two against one. When I heard the news about their deaths I had to look into it. I found out that the dogs that their son Jiang Wanyin had, were the same dogs that killed your parents. Knowing that you were not only afraid of dogs but he'd fear that you'd recognize the dogs, was the reason he got rid of them.

If I'd have known you were hidden in Lotus Pier the entire time, I would have come for you. To be honest, I lost contact with Cangse right after her wedding, I didn't even know she had a child. I'm sorry that I didn't find you so much sooner. I wish I had. You would have lived feeling more comfortable and loved then ever."

Wei Wuxian is as stunned speechless. Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan were the real reason his parents were dead. They had Wei Wuxian's parents killed and they then took him in, calling him the ward and head disciple, but he was just a piece of property to them.

"Why?" Wuxian asked, "why did they do that?"

"I don't know," Baoshan said, "the way I see it, they wanted to make sure Lotus Pier had good service and disciples."

"So I can use demonic cultivation and not get hurt by it?" Wuxian asked, "was there anything special on your side?"

"Is being able to achieve immortality special enough?" Baoshan asked.

"I'm sure anyone could if they tried hard enough," Wuxian said.

"That is true," Baoshan said, "as for the Sanren bloodline, it is actually celestial magic. As we have gods and goddesses within our ancestral history."

"What is celestial magic?" Wuxian asked trying to figure out what she was saying. It was all so much to take in. His parents death and now he has this type of history.

"There is a lot to it. It's easier to handle once you reach immortality, but some of the magic comes out when you are getting stronger and older. The user can use magic to create, shape and manipulate the skies and cosmos with heavenly influence, including all the aspects of the astrological, divine, elemental, mythical and cosmic powers. It is involves techniques such as cosmic entity physiology, Celestial combat, and interstellar travel...I'll help you learn as you progress," Baoshan said.

"Does Lan Zhan have a cool history?" Wuxian asked.

"The Lan family does," Baoshan replied, "my best friend Lan Yi, she told me that the Lans have history with ice, snow, water, music, and even dragons. Dragons are such sacred creatures and to have dragons within your blood is a good omen."

"So our son A'Yuan...water, dragon, celestial magic, and demonic arts...he will be a target if anyone finds that out," Wuxian says, "even our other children when we have more."

Baoshan smiled, "how much more?"

"I don't know," Wuxian answered, "but you will help us protect him and our family, won't you?"

"Of course I will, that is why I want to help you and Wangji as much as possible. Since A'Yuan is so young, he can train early and he can learn control. With both of your personalities, he is bound to be a sweet boy," Baoshan says.

"He has a playfulness like me, but he is a lot like Lan Zhan otherwise," Wuxian told her, "way too smart for his own good."

"That's a good thing," Baoshan said.

"For what the Jiang's did, I can't blame Jiang Cheng or Shijie...they never knew...but how can I face them again after knowing what their parents did to mine?" Wuxian asked, "how I was just a pawn this whole time? Did they ever actually care about me at all? Did anyone? Aside from Lan Zhan?"

"Hey," Baoshan said, "you have every right to be angry and upset. Your sworn siblings do need to know this eventually, but you will talk to them when you are ready. It takes time to take in all this information."

"How did you know this?" Wuxian asked.

"I did my own investigation," Baoshan replied, "my daughter shouldn't have died, and neither your father. They were way too strong of cultivators to just pass away from an accident during a night hunt. When I learned about the Jiang's I thought about blowing up their sect but then everything was just a mess. I was grieving and I didn't want to do something drastic...plus I did eventually learn about you. I felt that maybe one day you would look for me."

Wuxian nodded as he leaned against Lan Wangji, who wrapped his arm around his waist. Wei Wuxian needed the closeness of his husband at the moment as he was trying to cope with what he learned.

Wei Wuxian, was not, okay.

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