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"Hmm...", you flipped the pages of the book you were reading before taking a sip of red tea, very much engrossed in the book ever since you entered this strange library, there wasn't any sign of anybody, simply just these books that shared quite many intriguing stuff relating to the mechanism, these powers that are probably known to you as visions though called by on a different note, 


You read one book to another, absorbing all of this odd yet gripping knowledge

"consists of...6,852 islands, woah...and...samurai?", this was definitely Inazuma they were talking about, though they also called it by another name


You never read such history that Inazuma was of a different name back then-

you turned to leave the library, opening the door as there was a whole other facility

it was..impossible to happen since you were in the headquarters right now and came by a door by the back of the stairs...

You walked forward, on alert and steadily entered the area.

a few minutes passed by before you heard the footsteps of 2 people, you turned to the noise of the two people talking as your right hand produced its offensive electrical energy, ready to attack them with a 198% if they raised their weapons at you

"Hey, I think I forgot my phone in the office, mind checking if I got any calls yet?"

Hawk's POV

I was walking along with my assistant while talking about the strange cases that the victims reported like a strange life form of a waterbody floating on water and almost drowning all the civilians who got sucked inside it while the others failing got sucked in as well, it's currently kept inside a lab for further investigation

"An incident was also reported in the local ever-might market zone that..."

as I continued listening to the reports, I sensed the presence of another person that was only a few meters away from us, I knew they weren't the agents since I haven't sensed this energy before

It must be a villain 

Seriously, I just upgraded the security yesterday, how could a mere villain break in, they must be quite powerful I say

"Hey, I think I forgot my phone in the office, mind checking if I got any calls yet?", he nodded before heading to the main hallway 

"And you.", I turned to the unknown villain that was still in hiding

"You can come out now, I suggest that it be better if we talk it out.", crossing my arms and cautiously preparing in case the villain attacks

"haa...and I thought we had to fight for that...sorry for that energy I made on first impression", I heard a euphonious voice which startled me for no reason

the clacking of her heels echoed through the empty halls as I felt my heart beating faster than usual

"Well then, let's talk it out then shall we?", a woman with a some-like witch attire on, with her (hair-coloured) hair loosely tied on the left and her (eye-coloured) eyes looking at mine gently

"Hello? You aren't plotting a trap for me, are you? or you're far too mesmerized with my presence~", I snapped back into reality

"Don't think so, it takes more than that trust me", I grinned before asking her

No One's POV

"So how did you get in here"

"I was in a library a second ago and then transported into a whole different area, I know nothing more than that.."

"You don't look like your lying, so what organization do you work for."

"Im a part of the knights of Favonius"

"I never heard of that before..."

"Because I think for you, it's somewhere quite far, I can only guess that I got teleported into a different region...with the language you speak this...Inazuma?"

"I'm afraid not. This is Japan, there isn't such country or place called Inazuma.."

"I...I see.."

"Aside from that, do you have any...quirks?", you paused before remembering one of the books you read in the library

Did you somehow..go back in time?..but this looks far more advanced than Inazuma...The far most developed region right now is Fontaine but...isn't this a thousand times more advanced?..that's time travelled into the future...but why were there books in the library that gave information about the future, was that also history of the future of this current time!??

Your head was spinning with the question that was piling inside your head

"Hey I know you have a lot of questions in mind, but bear it for now...", He looked at you in worry while rubbing your head gently

"Yeah...alright..", you sighed 

"Do you wanna have lunch with me? I'll pay.", you looked at him a bit surprised..nah this wouldn't be a date, he's just trying his best to keep you alive for further investigation on you

"My my~ A blind date with a handsome stranger, how romantic!~", you playfully cooed as he looked at you with surprise before smirking 

"Is that how it is? Alright then~"

"It's my first time so make it slow alright?~"

"It be my pleasure"

Information about you



Academy scholar(former...10-17)


There's nothing much known about her to describe but what know so far is that she is an intellectual witch who can never get enough naps. As the Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, Y/n is smart in that she always knows exactly what to do with whatever troubles her. As much as she loves her sleep, she still manages to keep everything under control in a calm, composed manner.



Y/n has an "Adult Female" body type and is of an"average healthy height", she wears a purple witch's hat with a lightning rose attached at the end of it along with a purple rose on the front. She has(hair-coloured)hair,  (eye-coloured) eyes with a butterfly-shaped earring on one ear. She wears a caplet from her neck and her vision is attached to the cape using two golden strings and hangs on her chest. She wears a white dress under a purple corset with the knights of Favonius symbol on it. The corset has slits on both sides exposing her thighs and on top of it, she wears a black belt with a golden rose on it. She wears black thigh-high stockings with black high heel shoes. She also wears anklets on both legs with a purple crystal hanging from it. She wears black gloves with the same kind of crystals on both of them.

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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