Transform and Roll Out - Part 1

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</Many millions of cycles ago, a war arose between the forces of the heroic Autobots and the brutal Decepticons for control of the planet Cybertron. The Autobots fought bravely in the name of honor, their brave feats brought hope and glory to a planet besieged and destroyed by war and inspired countless generations of robots yet to come/>

A young robot with a color scheme made up mostly of blues, hints of black and gray, was sitting at a monitor watching history videos about the war on the planet Cybertron, although he was present at it. Cooper Phoenix is his designation since he was conceived by means of the greatest known source of energy in the Universe: The AllSpark. He is paying attention to the videos and is about to play the next video when the hand of a female Autobot of the same height lands on his hand, named Arcee.

-Why do you waste your time watching these old videos about war? It ended cycles ago thanks to Primus.- the fembot told him by turning off the monitor.

-I know Arcee. But Autobots leaders learn from the past. And one day I will be the leader of this team and thus do more important things.- Cooper answered, but then he thinks -Although I don't know how to overcome those who were before me.- he stands up from the monitor -I still don't feel ready to take command. I couldn't even finish that leadership training I had with Father.-

Behind him a gate opens without him noticing and a robot appears a little taller than him in red and blue colors, older in a matter of age than he and the fembot. The robot touches Cooper's shoulder, who turns around and sees that behind him is the current leader of the Autobots and Cooper's father; Optimus Prime.

-That training has to wait my son. For now there is something I must show you both.- said Optimus, he walks to the hatch with his son and the fembot behind him -As you know there was nothing else to do. The war had been lost and leaving our planet was the most difficult decision I had made in a long time.- he said.

-I hope I never have to make those kinds of decisions.- Cooper said as a hatch opens to the command bridge of the Autobot ship where other Autobots are doing various tasks.

-I hope so. But being a leader you face many challenges.- Optimus points out the central computer, Teletraan-1, which shows a huge metal ring -We locate a Space Bridge which, according to Wheeljack, will transport us to a place that is safe and prosperous for us.-

Wheeljack, a white robot with red and green accents and peculiar earmuffs on his head types some things on the computer -I'm just not a hundred percent sure that space bridge is still operational and the coordinates that Cooper and I got...-

-...We're not entirely sure where they'll lead us.- Cooper added, rubbing the back of his neck with a bit of pity.

Ratchet, the Autobot medic, an older white and red robot appears and crosses his arms.

-Young bots. Can't live with them and can't melt them down for spare parts.- said the doctor shaking his head from side to side.

-Why is he so grumpy all the time?- whispered a large, robust and strong green bot, named Bulkhead, to another smaller yellow bot.

-You'll be grumpy too if you had one servo in the scrapheap.- answered the yellow robot named Bumblebee, who carries an artifact in his mouth and his voice sounds somewhat distorted at times, with some mockery but Ratchet hits him on the head.

-I may have one servo in the scrapheap. But I can still hear!- Ratchet said annoyed by the comment.

-Whatever the destination that these coordinates take us will be our best alternative. Even if we want to, we can't go back to Cybertron.- Optimus said trying to calm the situation down.

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