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Later Thomas and Brenda went into a building to find the others.
Brenda: Maybe we should split up, see if we can find the others, hey, don't drink anything else
Brenda and Thomas splits up. Thomas walking around for abit when Brenda came behind him.
Thomas: Brenda
Brenda: They're not here
Thomas: We should keep looking
Brenda: Why, we couldn't find the right arm anyway, not without Marcus, your friends are gone, it's over, it'a just us now, just try and relax, let go
Thomas: How?
Brenda: Like this
Brenda kissed Thomas. When Thomas opened his eyes he saw Ingrid. He closed his eyes and opened them again and saw Brenda again.
Brenda: What
Thomas: You're not her
Brenda walks away.
Thomas: Brenda
Thomas goes after Brenda. Thomas falls over and passes out. Thomas starts having a memorie. In the memorie, Thomas is walking to find Ingrid.
Ingrid: Hey
Thomas: Did anyone see you come here?
Ingrid: No, what are you talking about?
Thomas: We don't have a lot of time
Ingrid: Thamas what's wrong?
Thomas: I just had to see you and just try to explain things before
They heard foot steps and Thomas bringed Ingrid to the other side with him.
Ingrid: Thomas
Thomas: I'm gonna be erased from your memory, okay, just like Newt, you're gonna forget me
Ingrid: I won't, no I won't I won't
Thomas: You will, you have to try and find some way to remember me, okay, remember you were the first girl I ever danced with, remember I had a crush on you freshman year, sophomore year, junior year, remember you saved my life
Ingrid: You saved my life too
Thomas helded Ingrid's hand.
Thomas: Just remember, remember I love you
Then one of the Wicked guards grabbed Ingrid.
Ingrid: No! Let me go!
Thomas: I'm sorry
Then Thomas wakes up to see Teresa.
Teresa: Hi
Ingrid came over to them.
Ingrid: Welcome back you ugly shank
Thomas smiles when he see Ingrid. He got up and kissed her.
Newt: Come on guys
Thomas pulls away.
Ingrid: I thought you were dead
Thomas: I thought you were too
Jorge: I suggest you talk you son of a bitch
Jorge slaps Marcus.
Marcus: God damn it, I'm sorry you're going to have to leave my house
Jorge: Listen I don't enjoy hurting you okay, where is the right arm Marcus?
Thomas: Wait this is Marcus?
Marcus: The kid catches on quick, are you the brains of the operation?
Jorge: I know you know where they're hiding, so you tell me and I'll make you a deal, you can come with us
Marcus: I burned that bridge a long time ago, besides I make my own deal, you're the one who taught me never miss an opportunity
Newt: What's he talking about?
Marcus: I'm talking about supply and demand, wicked wants all the immunes they can get, I help provide taht for them so I lure the kids in they get drunk they have a good time and ten wicked comes in they searate the wheat from the chaff
Jorge: I changed my mind, I do enjoy hurting you
Jorge kicked Marcus back.
Jorge: Talk! Talk!
Marcus: Okay okay jesus but I'm not making any promises, these guys like to move around
Jorge lifts Marcus up.
Marcus: They have an outpost in the mountains but it's a long away, you got half a wicked on your ass you're never gonna make it
Marcus laughs.
Jorge: Not on foot, where's Bertha
Marcus: Not Bertha
The next moment they are in the car driving to the mountains.

Maze Runner: Sorch TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now