When they arrive they saw car arond abandoned. They got out of the car and starts walking slowly around.
Jorge: Well I guess we're on foot
Then they heard gunshots.
Jorge: Get down!
Newt: Take cover!
They all hid behind the cars.
Jorge: hey is everyone okay out there?
Teresa: We're fine
Thomas: Ingrid?!
Ingrid: I'm fine!
Newt: Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?
Jorge: Son of a bitch Marcus, he led us into an ambush
Thomas: What do we do?
Jorge: Hold this
Jorge gives Thomas a bomb.
Jorge: We gotta create a diversion, get ready to chuck it, everybody get ready to sprint back to the truck and hold your ears, ready 1, 2
Harriet: Drop it, now! I said drop it!
They dropped the bomb.
Harriet: On your feet, let's go, let's go! Move! Back up!
Jorge: Easy
Harriet: You two, over here now!
Sonya: Come on let's go!
Harriet: Don't be stupid! Move
They all got up and went over to Jorge and Thomas.
Sonya: Slowly
Then Harriet reconised someone.
Harriet: Aris?
Aris: Oh my god, Harriet?
Harriet: Oh my god
Harriet hugged Aris.
Harriet: What the hell are you doing here?
Aris: Sonya
Sonya: Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass
Minho: Uh...what's happening?
Aris faces Minho.
Aris: We were in the maze together
Aris faces Harriet and Sonya.
Aris: I think there is someone you might wanna see again
Ingrid walked over to them.
Sonya: Oh my god Ingrid
Ingrid: Sonya
Sonya hugged Ingrid.
Sonya: How are you alive?
Ingrid: I never died, I got switched to a different maze
Harriet: We actually thought you died
Harriet hugged Ingrid tightly.
Ingrid: Come on Harriet, you know they couldn't get rid of me that easily
They both smile.
Harriet: I knew they couldn't kill our Ingrid that easily
Harriet whistled.
Harriet: We're clear guys! Come on out!
Sonya: Thank god you two are alive
They went through a cave to show some cars.
Sonya: Back it up Joe!
Harriet: We're taking them to base
Ingrid: Wait, so, how did you guys get here?
Harriet: The Right Arm got us out
Thomas: Wait, wait, The Right Arm? Do you know where they are?
Harriet: Hop in
Maze Runner: Sorch Trials
General FictionLove, freedom, sci-fi Let the girls be the hero