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"Don't." It wasn't the desperate, broken voice that made me pause, it wasn't the quiver in his voice making it sounding more hesitant, it was his pleading eyes. His eyes that would change colors depending on the day. Sometimes it was a murky green and sometimes it was a light grey swirled with brown. Today his eyes were an electrifying blue making it stand out more in a moonlight.

An indescribable amount of pain washed through me as I stumbled back. "You don't love me." I said in a monotone voice. "You love her."

He looked up and his eyes caught mine. "No no, I don't ..I.."

This time I was the one who told him to stop. "Don't lie to yourself. You love her more and.. it's fine," But it wasn't fine, here I was forcing my boyfriend to break up with me. Was I delusional? Was I too nice or was I just greedy to keep him to myself when he was obviously in love with Joyce?

Joyce, oh she was so much more pretty than me with her long golden hair that shined in the sun and her killer smile that had all the boys falling for her.

I swallowed painfully. If he wasn't going to break up with me.. I would break up with him. "Nathan, you've been the best boyfriend I have ever had, and everything was so fun with you. But I think .. It's time to end things."

I think what hurt me most is that he didn't even bother to argue. He simply nodded. "Jacey- I.. Thank you." He said as he reached out for my hand.

I stifled a sob and snatched my hand away. I turned my back and ran as fast as I could. I ignored his calls of my name and ran into the darkness.


So much drama! :) The next story is about is called Bitter and it's a story about losing someone.

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