bio ocs and new tank ocs

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Her rank: ensign
Callsign: tiger
Name: Kohaku yetzer
Age 15
Height 5'9"
Weight 110lbs
Haircolor silver
Hair length long to back puts in high back ponytail for more movement
Eye color emerald green
Race: Japanese/American/Russian
Respectable breastcup size full d
Past school: in America was legendary tank ace back in her old school will now be allowed to use her original tank

Classification: t-14 custom Armata In the tournament due to the fact this design of tank is based T-90 which is of the cold war era so it is permitted to use by Jsf president which was also modified

Classification: t-14 custom Armata In the tournament due to the fact this design of tank is based T-90 which is of the cold war era so it is permitted to use by Jsf president which was also modified

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Country of origin: Russia
Crew:3 women
Dimensions and weight
Weight:55 t
Length: (gun forward)25 feet
Hull length: 22 feet
Width: 8 ft
Height: (panoramic sight) 9 ft

It does have two modes for firing
There is
1st firing mode of t-15 custom Armata is 0 distance to 5 miles for close range

Then this
2nd firing mode of the t-15 custom Armata is for sniping at 15 to 20 miles from target

Main gun:125 mm smoothbore
AutoLoading time: 10 secs
Manual Loading time 2secs
Machine guns2 x 7.62 mm
Elevation range?
Traverse range360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun 200 rounds
Machine gunsat least 10 000 rounds
Engine: ford 12cycle trany 12cylinder engine
Engine power:5000 hp
Maximum onroad speed:120 mph
Maximum offroad speed:75 mph
Engine gas Range 600 miles
Range (with auxiliary fuel tanks) 1000 miles

This tanks noticeable features
High Maneuverability
High stability while Firing
High Mobility
Cataclysmic Armor if haven't read my books remember I own this Armor as it is developed by yours truly, it stops 4th wall breaks its also very strong and lightweight

The Armata is a new Russian Main Battle Tank (MBT). It is also referred to as t-14 is the original tank used by our oc

Is also the Commander of the t-26 or what they call cheetah but only uses It in the 1st match and anzio matches may use it in another book later

Clothes: wears an emerald green camo jacket with silver trim and green camo pants and wears soldier boots

Tank oc
(The t-26 tank is tank from Russia)

Then next to it was t-26 which he gave to his granddaughter to get to school quicker she also uses the t-26 in the 1st practice match, Saunders, & anzios fights due to the fact they are I might use later In the movie

T-26 was modified by yours truly due to the problems it had gup rules does say anything above 6 transmission gearbox 6 cylinder
you can't have the engine modified to your liking but if it is below a medium size tank like the light tank you can modify the tanks to your own liking without further ado read the new bio

T-26 was modified by yours truly due to the problems it had gup rules does say anything above 6 transmission gearbox 6 cylinderyou can't have the engine modified to your liking but if it is below a medium size tank like the light tank you can modi...

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Light tank T-26 and modified by yours truly
Height: 7 feet 3in
Width: 8 feet
Length: 16 feet 3 inches
Weight: 10 tonnes
Maximum on road speed: 55mph
Maximum off road speed: 50mph
(We actually modified these 2)

Maximum limit of gas in the gas tank: 40 gallons
Maximum fuel capacity on the t-26 tank:100 gallons
Main Armaments
50mm with 7.62 caliber machine gun in an gas/electric turret
Secondary Armament
7.62 caliber Machine gun in front of tank

Ammunition for 50mm and Machine guns
122 50mm rounds
10,000 7.62 caliber rounds
Crews 3 people driver, loader Commander/communicater

5 trany gearbox 6 cylinder 6.6 liter air coolant system engine It was modified by yours truly by adding coolant system

(Trany is mechanic term it means transmission)

(Mi means miles and mm means millimeter or Calibersize)

Kohaku background
She was from states but moved to Japan due to her parents passing in car crash few years ago and she was legendary tank ace and on top of the team but she fell to depression after her parents died but when got a transfer she went jumped the gun she was made ceo at 14 years old of her parents tankery company in america and was talking about helping her grand parents who were retired and live on the schoolship the Zuikaku

Ceo: I had done the math i have enough to save that ship for 45 years were funding 30 years and in next year I will be going to oorai due to them having notices of closure also then give them an excuse to not close saying that we are going to fund them as sponsor for the next 30years were also helping them do you guys remember my last tournament I won $3,000,000 in American after that well I did get talked to by the American president he says I will be backing you up politically to save that oorai school and all funding will be returned in Full by the American government contract i signed in full recognition our ceo said let's go save a school then got full backing of her tankery company to start anew then she transferred to oorai girls academy where her grandmother and grandfather lived

grandma and grampa said we got something you might want to look at

Grandpa and grandma said unison it is finally time get that military junk out of my garage then they all laugh

They all found this in her grandmas garage due to the grandfather being military nutjob saying that it was for our granddaughters future

Callsign lynx
Lynx oc Background
Name: Snow Lynx
Gender: female
Age: 15
Race/ethnicity: Japanese/American but is multilingual as well
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair color: like Snow & silvery
Hair length:long to back
Eye color: blue

wears the same as dj tiger

She is the loader for the both tanks
But is also the communicater for both tanks as well

She is also the 2nd childhood friend out of the 3 children

Callsign: leopard
Name:Haku leopard
Gender: female
Age: 15
Race/ethnicity: Japanese/American is also multilingual
Height: 5'9"
Haircolor: Black with silvery highlights
Hair length: long to back
Eye color: Emerald green

Same as tiger

She is the driver of both tanks

3rd childhood out of the 3 children

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