chapter 7 6th Armored division sgt. 3rd class oddball & match start

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Before the tournament on schoolship
kohaku told fake orders on the radio while using their cellphones to talk instead

Ko: Knowing them they will do wiretapping which Is not illegal in senshado and we will use that to your advantage

Ko: and in our t-15 custom Armata

63rd senshado tournament
All tanks were there except T-15 custom Armata which is out in the field

Orange pekoe: i cant believe they are allowed to use that tank how is it even street legal?

Darjeeling it is street legal I've checked it out but know this, all is fair in love and war

Orange pekoe: do you even think we will win our matches

Darjeeling: nope we will be facing kuromorumine in the second match we will surrender to safe face if it gets hairy and I know miho nishizumi left that match last year to save her teammates I will commend miho on that you shall never value a win over the lives of your comrades that is something we teach in our school st Glorianas women's academy and shiho nishizumi does not care for miho as she reminds shiho of her father who was killed in the line of duty her father even in his last words he said "value your comrades in tankery till the very end and even if kills you know you had purpose in life" he died to his wounds 3 Hours later in hospital of London

Then Darjeeling shows a picture of her father, shiho,maho, and miho

All of st Glorianas: that was her father I remember him he was ensign in the military

Darjeeling: yep one of 2 people to receive this in the last century of the military and the other is in this match and her name is kohaku yetzer

As they were all getting ready that the oorai sixth tank wasn't there Saunders complained

Ami Chono: Kay remember the silver tiger is on the prowl

Kay:......I don't know what that means

Naomi: I don't think I want to know

All participants bow [let's have a good match]

Referee: Now match start

And then as Saunders were all in the forest when they saw a tank from 5 miles away but couldn't classify them due to the tanks size

Then over the radio they hear a voice: see you in Valhalla Saunders

Then the shot was fired 3 tanks were taken out in the 2 secs that it took to reload and fire again

(Back at the stands)

Crowd murmured saying: it is impossible to fire that fast in a normal tank from ww2

Ami chono: I have announcement to make to everyone clear on this matter for year's the ban on newer tanks has made a dent in money given to the government on the winnings of the tournament so to make sure for more money for the tournament they decided to drop this rule and extend it to the cold war and that also puts less strain on schoolship but know this tank is new that's in this match its original design is from Russia in the cold war and your only allowed field 1 tank of this caliber can only field 1 of the same type of tank but not the same make or model in the cold war era and this tank is privately owned and this has been cleared by several countries, Jsf president, the jmsdf and the prime Minister who actually was encouraging this and so was the American government and president
But know the German government will not permit the use of the 2 tanks in the Persian gulf War and Iraqi War but know this tank is the deadliest tank on the planet and being able to fire from 5 miles away

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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