chapter 5 the Churchill is in a world of hurt

30 1 0

Miho was distracting them then they  reached point a

All tanks open fired on the Churchill and the Matilda IIs most missed or bounced off due to their Armor and then they fire at m3 Lee and 38t tread came off 
Anzu:oh the tread came off 38ts treads come off pretty easy huh
Momo:keep firing
Miho to Saori says  check the status of the other tanks

Saori: Bteam
B-team: we've seem to have made it threw but d team seems to be out

Cteam: fine of course

Saori; Dteam is out due to them running away

Eteam: were out of it

Tiger team: we are in position

As all of oorai: yes tiger

Prepare to fire and fire 🔥


As the shell hit three in a row

Tiger: we're playing tic-tac-toe over here

3secs later they fired again

Then taking the Churchill out with one-shot one-kill to the back

1 was left & they surrendered due to there Commander

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