chapter 1 tanks we ride them

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Kohaku joins before it was an official team so it's at the beginning of the 2nd episode of the anime it is to

Momo: President anzu we have visitor they say their name kohaku yetzer

Anzu: Send them in

Yuzu: who are they

Anzu: Kohaku yetzer legendary tank ace what do you want with us

Kohaku: im coming to enlist onto your tankery team but the 2 tanks im using will need to be repaired as especially 1 needs an engine

Anzu says: we'll see what you got

Kohaku while she says: there at my place I need help fixing them due to the fact both of the tanks are veterans both fought in war and we need help and that one
Needs complete overhaul i will even pay for products that all your tanks may need but know this your tanks will be yours due to that my company has the money to keep this school running for the next 30 years and as I will tell you the American president is backing me up to politically to save your school this offer is exclusive to this school ship and the oorai girls academy this oorai girls academy and school ship all can be saved just by signing this paper know that im also paying for this out of my own pocket

Anzu who is now reading the paper and saw the amount given by her company to the school $3,000,000 in American US dollars

Kohaku: & all this will be set in stone if you win the next 63rd senshado tournament just by signing this agreement 

Anzu then shows her fellow advisors


Momo:looks like win-win

Anzu: im signing this pen please  anzu kodutani signs it and gets a copy from Kohaku

Kohaku: I wanted tell you too only show that off after the tournament to the ministry of education they were embezzling the ship fees so that after scrapping the ship that they would get more money scrapping it then keeping it which is illegal in America for embezzling money prime Minister was not happy about that then called up the American president said I want save the Zuikaku our president said we will get it done and i know the perfect person they will save the Zuikaku the ceo of American senshado federation kohaku yetzer

Ko: we will also be bringing 2 members from our tankery team

Anzu says:
If you can get those tanks moving you got yourself a deal

Ko: yes we do with all we have got president

Kohaku with the automotive club says

Kohakus Grandpa:I see you finally came take the tanks off our hands

Kohakus Grandma: has she finally taken it up again I get to see you on a tank makes me proud

Kohaku then opens th garage says there's always so much junk in here but what i say another man's junk is another man's treasure

The automotive club says: your so right

They finally cleaned got through all the junk and also found somethings to fix a smaller light tank they also found some modifications said to upgrade a t-26  including 50mm barrel and also body modifications
Also found 12cycle 12 cylinder engine which looked like from another tank but the engine was the only thing

Voice coming from around in the corner says Kohaku: here it is the t-26 and there is another tank in a hanger behind this wall due to the fact It is big  t-14 without an engine due to the fact we bought it without one, where is it  here it is Then pushes the button  opens the hanger 

As the automotive club then walks around the corner to see these 2 tanks t-26 looked pretty beat up but the t-14 Armata was in pristine condition

1 club member says: we can use the parts we found to fix the t-26 we also found another engine but it would definitely fit on the t-26 this engine on it is junk who the heck design this thing it goes 19mph this is mechanics nightmare

Another member: Yeah looks pretty bad the engine It's cracked several places in the engine suprise this thing even ran

Kohaku yetzer: its Russian, yes i know thats why i will get the Japanese senshado
on the phone she says while calling

Ami Chono: president im getting a call from kohaku yezer

Japanes senshado federation president: kohaku yetzer what are you calling me for

American senshado president: yes due to unforseen circumstances im back at oorai

Jsf president: I see that does makes sense all right what do you need from me

Ko: I need authorization to modify 2 tanks and i suggest you come out to see it and it is in sad state and its engine doesn't even run so do i meet you or do you meet me

Jsf president: We'll meet you that we will ami chono we're going to oorai

Amichono: okay let's go

When they saw it they almost cried
They both Say: you plan on fixing that

Kohaku: We all need some tlc and she definitely needs it

Kohaku:So we will need the authorization

Jsf president lookin at the papers as says: your authorization has been accepted

Kos grandpa: That's good she will finally make the red cheetah move again that was a day I wanted see but there is another tank on this property

Jsf president: ill like to see it

Ko Grandma: You will do to the fact most were destroyed after the fall of the red army

Jsf president:I recognize you from somewhere that especially dealt with tanks

Kos Grandma: yes in the cold war era i was the russian scientist who made the T-90 possible but they don't remember the new  Prototype T-14 tank that we made so we kept it

Jsf president:its honor to meet you all and i will also allow t-14 Armata to be modified it is true the tiger exists

Ko: that's new t-15 custom Armata It's Nickname the tiger

Ko: this t-26 was called the cheetah back in its days

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