Chapter 2

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The next morning everyone lined up in front of the barracks the General asked me about my skill I tolled him pistol then he asked Nolan he said "expert" then he asked jake "sniper" etc. when he got to Carlos he said " you, mister flash bangs what's your skill"

Carlos answered "I am a handy man back in the day I was the best you could find you want it I fix" Every one stared at him why would he lie to the general. Just then the general said "great will have you fixe are last black hawk"

Carlos said "no problem" then Carlos walked over to the chopper and started fixing it he had spilled his whole bag of crack in the gears and then said he was done. Then the general walked into the helicopter and when he turned the engine on all the crack went in his face he turned bright red. He marched right in are face and screamed " out you are not allowed to stay here any more, you have one day to pack your bags and leave !"

What were we going to do now? This was the safest place to be, I asked people to write down we're they what to go and give it to me when all the papers were turned in there was only one logic place to go sea world. I wonder who recommended sea world so I asked and to my surprise Carlos answered I asked him why he said "my brother Shamu works there"

Everyone was staring at him except for Nolan who was still depressed over what happened to his best friend I felt bad for him so I wheat to my room and got out my my brothers M4 this was my last memory of my brother before he was bit by John Ross he was prepared all his life but not for a apocalypse but for everything he was always prepared as a tear dropped on the gun I got up and walked outside and handed the gun to Nolan. I knew he liked it when he accepted it and said "thank you"

Carlos randomly started juggling his flash bangs and was humming a circus song it went on for another minute then we here'd "BANG BANG" and all the flash bangs blew up in his face everyone stared at Nolan he just shot flash bangs right out of the air. Was he crazy he could of killed him. Carlos was on the ground crying like a little baby about the fever hit and he was going to die.

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