Chapter 3: Mechanical fight

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Previously on Among us x male human reader:

Y/n and his son Grey were in Polus when they heard something and went over to investigate. They then found the power-couple themselves, Boyfriend.xml and Girlfriend.xml. Through the power of singing, and Y/n's impostor form, they triumphed over a villian before being sent to Mira HQ. There, they met Green. Green ended up blowing reactor up causing Y/n to transform into his imposter form again and force Green into one final showdown. At the end, Y/n ended up saving Green's life from certain death and allowed Green to use his impostor powers no matter what, causing Green to join our protagonists side as Y/n's new brotherly figure. What will happen next? Find out now.

3rd pov:

Y/n, Grey, Bf, Gf, and Green walked through a portal that appeared to lead them to an alleyway of some sorts.

Y/n pov:

Y/n: Where are we now?

Bf/Gf: Idk.

Green: this looks nothing like among us.

Grey: I'm scared dad.

Y/n: Don't worry son, I will protect you

?: Oh hey there!

All: Huh?

When we all looked where the voice came from, we saw a short girl that had reddish-brown hair with blond highlights, a pink sweater with purple sleeves and white skull, and black shoes.

When we all looked where the voice came from, we saw a short girl that had reddish-brown hair with blond highlights, a pink sweater with purple sleeves and white skull, and black shoes

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I was immediately taken back by how cute she was (Irl me when I saw QT the first time). She came up towards us. As she got closer, I became more and more nervous. With each step she took, I felt my heartbeat speed up until I could feel the heat coming from my cheeks.

?: What brings you 5 to my alleyway?

Y/n: (With a blush) I-I know that this p-probably sounds unbelievable, but we c-came here through a p-portal. M-My name is Y-Y/n. These here a-are my f-friends Bf (Points to Bf), Gf (Points to Gf), Green (Points to Green), a-and my son Grey (Holds Grey up). 'Why was I stuttering so much?'

QT: Oh cool. My name is QT.

Y/n: You are a cutie all right.

QT: (with a small blush) Awww thx. You know, you're quite good looking yourself.

Y/n: (with a big blush) T-T-Thnx I-I g-guess.

Bf: Beep Bo?/Hey Gf?

Gf: What's is it, babe?

Bf: Beep bo bah bee di Beep bop./I wanna try singing with her.

Gf: Bf wants QT to sing with him.

QT: OK then!

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