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for paz,
the other half i've been searching
for since zeus split us apart.


KAMIKAZE GIRLS dir. tetsuya nakashima

 tetsuya nakashima

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CHAPTER TWO. Theia ManiaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAnd although there were so many, the net was not broken.ㅤㅤTHE BIBLEㅤ/ㅤjohn 21:11 ( new king james version )


ㅤㅤTHEY'VE got closer, Higa Junichirō and Todoroki Shōto, Kageyama Kio mused. There's still an undeniable gap between them that Higa Junichirō was probably already working on however, they're no longer strangers. Todoroki Shōto seemed like he hated the boy━ she wouldn't be surprised if he truly did. It's become somewhat common for people to hate Higa when they're first meeting him. ( Perhaps it'd be more accurate if she were to say that they hated meeting the version of themself he manages to drag up from the depths of their soul when speaking to him. ) But that type of emotion, you can only waste on a man you know; Todoroki Shōto's passionate dislike or mellow hatred for Higa Junichirō only goes to show that he's lost this game. Love, hatred, reverence, and denial━ they're all the mocking echo of passion. Higa Junichirō is an enitity that brings about all of those feelings. It's only strange because there's an eerie lull about him that makes you wonder about him even if he's simply passing by, but either way, you see him and your mind suddenly swerves and you feel like a body in the driver's seat that has just lurched into your horn and the beeping is loud and incessant in your ears. If he wanted you to see him, then he'd make it be so. Then, you find out, you hate him. It was like he did it on purpose, almost as if he had a masochistic like for being hated, but Kageyama Kio had nothing to say about his strange tastes. They usually worked out perfectly fine for him in the long term.

"Where's Higa?" Suddenly appearing behind them, the tray is carelessly dropped onto the table, food jumping at the sudden force, bits landing on the side and splattering sauce onto white tables as the girl slid into the booth. She immediately began stabbing the western styled food with her fork, peering over at the two sat in silence. The smell of smoke and oil that persistently followed her pink haired friend makes Kageyama's nose scrunch up in distaste, shifting herself away from the girl.

Kageyama Kio watched as sauce splattered from Hatsume Mei's tray into the air, grimacing as she brought up a wall of water to keep herself safe and left Shinsō to his devices. "We probably won't see him around for a while; he's started a new charity case." The pink haired girl makes a noise of acknowledgement and says nothing else on the topic, continuing to shovel her mouth with food as quick as possible to go back to her inventions. Their third of the trio is characteristically silent. Though it's hard to ignore how Shinsō Hitoshi was staring past the two girls to keep a steady gaze on their fourth and a boy he declared war on yesterday, sat together in another booth, and being as open with it as possible. Whilst she was judging Shinsō for his open staring, Kageyama won't deny that she also found Higa's latest patient intriguing though probably for a different reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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