Notice it

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Death is a silly concept

Something we, as mere humans, cannot escape

An inevitable we cannot change

We can only push the fated day back further

But not forever

You can, however, choose

Choose if you want to die by your own hands or by the universes

Either way, you’ll die.

The funny thing is you can either choose
To go without pain or gamble with the universe on which it will give you.

No one knows for sure when they’ll die.

They think eating healthy and being active and making smart decisions will grant you a long and good life.

But they’re wrong.

Because if the universe wants to be noticed.

If it wants to give the most healthy, bright, smile irking person the most gut-wrenching, disheartening,
Limb-taking, air-selfish, brain-eating disease,

it will.

It will change your favorite person and make them unrecognizable.

It will be noticed.

And you will notice it.

Poems by ZeonaWhere stories live. Discover now