EP 16

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Holy mother this chapter is incredibly long and it took me forever to finish! I'm sorry for that!

Before going on with the chapter, I just want to thank you all so much! 

Thank you for your patience, for the views and for the votes! Thank you for the funny and nice comments and for the kind messages!

I don't deserve you! <3

Stay well!


Warnings: long chapter, teenagers in love, make-outs, roller coaster of feelings, mild language, personality desorder

Teiko Middle-School - 3rd year

    Just like the new Akashi had decided, things did start to work differently in the basketball club. The captain's will was followed and the Generation of Miracles started to rely on nothing but their own talents during the games. Aomine and Murasakibara started skipping practice and the spirit of companionship was obliterated.

    Coach Sanada didn't like how the captain decided to do things, but he couldn't go against him. Working like this was the only way they would work at all. If the coach went against them, who knows what they would do. Sanada couldn't risk doing anything that would make them quit the club, he couldn't go against the Chairman's orders. He had to give the Generation of Miracles special treatment. He had to let them do what they wanted.

    However, although the man didn't like it, the truth was that having the boys play for and by themselves, without any teamwork, worked successfully. They were a tremendous force of individual power and were winning all their games, plus leaving huge gaps between the scores.

    They were no longer a team, they were simply a group. But an efficient and scary group none the less.

    Now, it was finally the last year of middle-school for the Generation of Miracles. Besides the ever growing talent of the five prodigies, nothing had really changed in Teiko's basketball club. They maintained their ways and rules and didn't waste any time in starting getting ready for a new year of games and victories.

    As soon as the season of Nationals started, Teiko kept defeating every opposing team, just like always.

    One day, one of the many mornings of the school year, a black and fancy car stopped a few meters away from the school's gate. When it had stopped, the back door opened and (Y/N) came out from the vehicle. Right after her came Akashi. 

    The driver closed the door for them and politely wished them a good day of school. After thanking the nice man, the girl and boy started walking towards the school, hand in hand.

    The couple was talking about the basketball club, (Y/N) criticizing the new methods like usual. She had never hidden the fact that she was against the club's new policy.

    "It really doesn't bother you that they don't show up?" the girl asked the red haired with indignation. The boy just kept looking in front of him as they walked, letting the girl talk as she pleased. "Daiki and Atsushi haven't put one foot in the gym ever since you let them skip practice, Sei! We have a game in a week. How do you even trust they'll do well? Not to mention that Ryota doesn't skip but is bored out of his mind every day, and Shintaro looks like he'll combust any second by how frustrated he is with the team's lack of rigor. Don't you care about any of this?" she asked him with agitation as they finally went through the school's entrance.

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